Fuel - Safety Advisory Issued by TSSA's Fuel Safety Program

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Uploaded: Jan 18 2019

Modified: Jul 30 2019

Description: Recently, TSSA’s Fuel Safety program issued a safety advisory to all fuel oil distributors (and the affiliate industry associations) to remind them of their legal obligations as per the TSS Act and the Fuel Oil Regulation (O. Reg. 213/01). It is available for download here and can also be found on the TSSA website: https://www.tssa.org/en/fuels/resources/Documents/FS-242-18-Safety-Assurance-Responsibilities-of-Fuel-Oil-Distributors---final.pdf. According to the TSSA, the impetus behind this safety advisory stems from the most recent report by the Auditor General that flagged how there were some evidence of fuel oil distributors supplying fuel oil to tanks that are in “unacceptable conditions.” This advisory serves to remind the distributors that they all have a duty to ensure that oil is only supplied to equipment that have been inspected and deemed safe.



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