Re-Imagining the Value of Nature
Conservation Authorities Important Partners for a More Resilient Ontario
Extreme weather and other climate change impacts are taking their toll on the health of Ontarians and threatening the economy by damaging costly infrastructure and disrupting business functions.
The key to a more resilient Ontario lies in understanding how nature is so closely connected to our health and well-being, and to our economy; and then doing everything we can to protect, restore and conserve our ecosystems and their functions.

Conservation Authorities Need Five Things to Serve Ontario Better:
- Protection Against Natural Hazards: Increased financial and technical support for conservation authority natural hazard work
- Safe Conservation Areas: Provincial support for the infrastructure, compliance, and operational needs of conservation areas
- Resilient Natural Assets: Financial support for the protection, restoration, and rehabilitation of watershed natural assets such as trees, forests, and wetlands for climate change adaptation
- Enforcement: Improvements for the enforcement and offences abilities of conservation authorities
- Local Science: Investments in conservation authority watershed studies and research to improve CA technical capacity and expand partnerships in conservation authority monitoring programs
What Does Ontario Get In Return?
- Stronger protection against flooding and erosion events
- Safe natural areas for Ontario visitors to get out and enjoy nature
- Streamlined and informed development decisions in support of a provincial housing policy and sustainable growth
- Stronger local resilience to climate change impacts
- Improved public health and reduced healthcare costs
- Healthy and sustainable natural resources to support Ontario’s economy