Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Discussion Document for Developing an Agricultural Soil Health and Conservation Strategy for Ontario” (EBR# 012-8468)

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Uploaded: Mar 13 2017

Modified: Oct 20 2017

Description: Description Conservation Ontario’s submission to OMAFRA on “Sustaining Ontario’s Agricultural Soils: Towards a Shared Vision” (EBR# 012-8468). On August 29, 2016, OMAFRA posted a discussion paper entitled “Sustaining Ontario’s Agricultural Soils: Towards a Shared Vision” to the Environmental Registry. Conservation Ontario’s comments focused on answering the eight questions provided in the Discussion Document. Conservation Ontario commends the Province on their draft vision, goals and objectives for an Agricultural Soil Health and Conservation Strategy for Ontario but recommends that sufficient funding and education are needed for more research on best management practices to improve soil health and conservation, and to support staff to provide education and engagement activities to farmers and landowners.



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