File Listing

CO Comments on Proposed Accessible Information and Communications Standard

CO comments on Accessible Information and Communications Standard proposed by the Accessible Information and Communications Standards Development Committee. - Disability - Accessibility - ACCESSIBILITY FOR ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (AODA)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Discussion Document for Developing an Agricultural Soil Health and Conservation Strategy for Ontario” (EBR# 012-8468)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to OMAFRA on “Sustaining Ontario’s Agricultural Soils: Towards a Shared Vision” (EBR# 012-8468). On August 29, 2016, OMAFRA posted a discussion paper entitled “Sustaining Ontario’s Agricultural Soils: Towards a Shared Vision” to the Environmental Registry. Conservation Ontario’s comments focused on answering the eight questions provided in the Discussion Document. Conservation Ontario commends the Province on their draft vision, goals and objectives for an Agricultural Soil Health and Conservation Strategy for Ontario but recommends that sufficient funding and education are needed for more research on best management practices to improve soil health and conservation, and to support staff to provide education and engagement activities to farmers and landowners.

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CO Comments on Employment Accessibility Standard

CO comments on the Initial Employment Accessibility Standard proposed by the Employment Accessibility Standards Development Committee. - Disability - Accessibility - ACCESSIBILITY FOR ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (AODA)

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CO Comments on Integrated Accessibility Regulation

CO comments on opportunity proposed Integrated Accessibility Regulation under the Accessibility for Ontarians for Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). - Disability - Accessibility - ACCESSIBILITY FOR ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (AODA)

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CO Comments on Change to Customer Service Regulation

CO comments on proposed changes to Ontario Regulation 429/07, Customer Service. - Disability - Accessibility - ACCESSIBILITY FOR ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (AODA)

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CO Comments on Building Code Amendments 2013

CO comments on the “Proposed Amendment to the Barrier-Free Design Requirements set out in the Building Code Regulation (O. Reg. 332/12) under the Building Code Act, 1992”. Overall CO supports the aim of the Province to make Ontario fully accessible but some concern was expressed in relation to the potential costs associated with the barrier-free design requirements. - Disability - Accessibility - ACCESSIBILITY FOR ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (AODA)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Discussion Document for Developing an Agricultural Soil Health and Conservation Strategy for Ontario” (EBR# 012-8468)

Description Conservation Ontario’s submission to OMAFRA on “Sustaining Ontario’s Agricultural Soils: Towards a Shared Vision” (EBR# 012-8468). On August 29, 2016, OMAFRA posted a discussion paper entitled “Sustaining Ontario’s Agricultural Soils: Towards a Shared Vision” to the Environmental Registry. Conservation Ontario’s comments focused on answering the eight questions provided in the Discussion Document. Conservation Ontario commends the Province on their draft vision, goals and objectives for an Agricultural Soil Health and Conservation Strategy for Ontario but recommends that sufficient funding and education are needed for more research on best management practices to improve soil health and conservation, and to support staff to provide education and engagement activities to farmers and landowners.

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario’s Prime Agricultural Areas – Draft for input and discussion”

Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario's Prime Agricultural Areas – Draft for input and discussion". The draft Guidelines were developed by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to assist municipalities, decision-makers, farmers and others with interpreting the policies in the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) on the range of uses permitted in prime agricultural areas.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Regulation of invasive species under the Ontario Invasive Species Act, 2015” (EBR# 012-8310)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MNRF on “Regulation of invasive species under the Ontario Invasive Species Act, 2015” (EBR# 012-8310). On September 8, 2016, MNRF posted a regulation proposal to classify the 16 species identified on the Conference of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers “Least Wanted Aquatic Invasive Species List” and all species in the Channidae family as prohibited, and classify Phragmites, Dog Strangling Vine and Japanese Knotweed as restricted species under the Invasive Species Act, 2015. Conservation Ontario’s comments focused on classifying more species as restricted or prohibited under the Invasive Species Act, 2015, not issuing orders by an inspector to force the control, removal or eradication of Phragmites until there is a safe and effective mechanism that does not threaten surface and groundwater, and providing funding support or compensation as incentives for private and public landowners to control and/or remove invasive species on their property. On November 4, 2016, MNRF made a decision to proceed with the regulation proposal as described, subject to some changes as a result of public consultation.

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Conservation Ontario’s Input into the Review of the Fisheries Act

Conservation Ontario is participating in the provincial consultation on the review of the Federal Fisheries Act by submitting a letter raising concerns about letters of credit for offsetting projects where the purpose of the project is focused on habitat restoration and the work is being undertaken by a public agency. It is anticipated that Phase Two of the consultation on the Fisheries Act will be released in spring 2017 and will include Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s staff proposals to address concerns raised in Phase One of the review.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Regulations prescribing certain short term water takings as Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) activities (EBR#012-0580)

Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Regulations prescribing certain short term water takings as Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) activities” (EBR#012-0580) - submitted to MOECC on January 13, 2016. On November 20, 2015 the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) posted “Regulations prescribing certain short term water takings as Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) activities” to the Environmental Registry to seek feedback on proposed draft regulations for short term, non-recurring water taking activities.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Waukesha Water Diversion Application

Conservation Ontario’s comments submitted March 14, 2016 on the Waukesha Water Diversion Application.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Groundwater Science Relevant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A Status Report

Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Groundwater Science Relevant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A Status Report” prepared by the Annex 8 subcommittee - submitted January 31, 2016.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on “Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin” (EBR 012-5093)

Conservation Ontario's submission to MNRF on "Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin" (EBR 012-5093). On September 15, 2015 the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), introduced a draft LRIA Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin to update the original 2006 document. As stated on the Environmental Registry, the Section 16 Technical Bulletin applies to alterations, improvements and repairs to existing dams and is part of MNRF's continued commitment to modernize and improve provincial requirements for the design, construction and management of dams.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Technical Paper on the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry and Short-Term Water Takings” (EBR #012-0580)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change's "Technical Paper on the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry and Short-Term Water Takings" (EBR #012-0580). By means of this Technical Paper, MOECC is consulting on additional activities which could be subject to the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) with the focus on short-term, non-recurring water taking activities.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Provincial Bait Policy Review – Angler Use and Movement of Baitfish in Ontario” (EBR#012-2836)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Provincial Bait Policy Review – Angler Use and Movement of Baitfish in Ontario" (EBR#012-2836). Angler Use and Movement of Baitfish in Ontario is the first area to be addressed through policy review by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry as part of a comprehensive review of provincial bait policies to help improve the management of bait.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Bill 66: Proposed Great Lakes Protection Act” (EBR #012-3523)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change's "Bill 66: Proposed Great Lakes Protection Act" (EBR #012-3523)

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MOU between Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Conservation Ontario for Cooperation for Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Protection in Ontario

The CO-DFO MOU acknowledges that DFO and CAs have respective responsibilities for regulatory reviews and approvals and aquatic resource protection, and will work together to develop a collaborative approach to fisheries and aquatic resource protection that is consistent in Ontario. The proposed MOU will help to ensure clear communication to the development and conservation communities, resulting in improved public service.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the Provincial Fish Strategy for Ontario (EBR #012-0291)

CO’s Comments on the “Provincial Fish Strategy for Ontario” wherein the Ministry of Natural Resources is proposing a strategy which will provide an overarching framework to inform MNR’s fish policy development, planning and decision making, as well as to prioritize MNR efforts and coordinate activities for fisheries management. Overall CO was supportive of the main goals, objectives and tactics that were identified within the strategy although it was recommended that the province place greater emphasis on integrating watershed based management of fish into the strategy.

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CO Comments on Draft Watershed based Fisheries Management Plan (WBFiMP) Guideline

CO Comments on Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR) draft Watershed based Fisheries Management Plan (WBFiMP) Guideline. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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Interim Protocol for the Review of Development Proposals that affect Aquatic Species at Risk in Ontario 2009

CO comments on the draft Interim Protocol for the Review of Development Proposals that affect Aquatic Species at Risk in Ontario 2009 developed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR). - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on Application, Review and Decision Guidelines for Cage Aquaculture Sites in Ontario

CO comments on the Province’s proposed guidelines and decision support tool to coordinate the federal/provincial information requirements and approval processes associated with cage aquaculture licence and site applications in Ontario, which were posted for public comment on the Environmental Registry (EBR #010-0081). These guidelines are associate with the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (FWCA) and Regulations (EBR #010-0081). - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on Redside Dace Habitat Regulations

CO Comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) draft habitat regulation for Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus) under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA). - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on Updated Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (OWES) Manuals

CO provided detailed comments on the proposed Updated Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (OWES) Manuals (EBR# 011-1687). - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Letter to DFO Deputy Minister Re: Conservation Authority Engagement to Support Conservation of Fish Habitat

As part of the 2013 Economic Action Plan, the federal government recently proposed to provide 10 million dollars over two years to support partnerships with local groups to implement a variety of projects that would improve the conservation of fisheries habitat. CO requested that eligible projects should be identified in a fisheries management plan and/or watershed plan to ensure that funds are used in the most effective way possible. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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Conservation Ontario Comments on the Interim Protocol for Review of Project Proposals that may affect Aquatic Species at Risk in Ontario

CO Comments on the “Interim Protocol for the Review of Project Proposals that may affect Aquatic Species at Risk in Ontario 2011” (EBR # 011-5661).The development of a harmonized approach to the review and approval of proposed development projects under the Fisheries Act, Species at Risk Act (SARA) and the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA 2007) is supported. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on Proposed Tougher Measures to Prevent Asian Carp Invasion

CO comments on the provincial policy paper entitled "Protecting Ontario’s Fisheries: Discussion Paper on Tougher Measures to Prevent an Asian Carp Invasion”. This paper was produced by the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and posted on the Environmental Registry ( EBR #011-7849) for public comment January 2013. Conservation Ontario is strongly in favour of preventing Asian Carp access to the Great Lakes and their watersheds and supports increased efforts to achieve this objective. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on DFO's Intent to Regulate Aquatic Invasive Species 2013

CO comments on Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) Intent to Regulate Aquatic Invasive Species Consultation Document. Overall, Conservation Authorities are highly supportive of the federal regulatory proposal to manage aquatic invasive species (AIS). These comments provide additional feedback on the key elements of the proposed regulation. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO’s Comments on Proposed New Regulations for Sec 35 of the Fisheries Act:Timing and Information Requirements

CO comments regarding the proposed Application for Authorization under Paragraph 35(2)(b) of the Fisheries Act Regulations published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on April 13, 2013. While CO, was in principle, supportive of the proposed regulations, several key elements were identified that lack clarity. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on Science Advice to Support Development of a Fisheries Protection Policy for Canada

CO comments on the Science Advisory Report (SAR) produced by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) entitled “Science Advice to Support Development of a Fisheries Protection Policy for Canada.” Based on a preliminary review, CO offers comments that mainly focus on highlighting the specific areas where further science advice will be necessary to implement the Fisheries Protection Policy. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on Implementing the New Provisions Under the Fisheries Act

CO comments on the discussion paper produced by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) entitled “Implementing the New Fisheries Protection Provisions under the Fisheries Act.” CO expressed strong reservations about several elements in the paper including the feasibility of developing all the implementation guidance tools and clarification necessary for transition to implementation of New Fisheries Protection Provisions under the Fisheries Act by the proposed July 1st deadline and expressed a willingness to engage with DFO to develop guidance by an extended fall 2013 deadline. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Guide: Consideration of Climate Change in Environmental Assessment in Ontario” (EBR# 012-5806)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MOECC on the draft “Guide: Consideration of Climate Change in Environmental Assessment in Ontario” (EBR# 012-5806). The purpose of the Guide is to broaden the understanding of proponents and the public about MOECC’s expectations for considering the effects of climate change in environmental assessment studies and processes. Conservation Ontario’s comments were supportive of the Guide’s recommendation of including climate change mitigation and adaptation considerations in environmental assessment projects in Ontario. The comments highlighted the need for more direction on considering a project’s effects on the resilience to climate change of the surrounding environment, infrastructure and communities.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Climate Change Mitigation and Low-Carbon Economy Act, 2016 (EBR# 012-6844)

Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Climate Change Mitigation and Low-Carbon Economy Act, 2016” (EBR# 012-6844) - submitted to MOECC on March 24, 2016.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Cap and Trade Program Design Options (EBR# 012-5666)

Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Cap and Trade Program Design Options” (EBR# 012-5666) - submitted to MOECC on December 16, 2015.

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the Climate Change Discussion Paper (EBR# 012-3452)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change's, Climate Change Discussion Paper (EBR# 012-3452)

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Watershed Management Futures for Ontario Conservation Ontario Whitepaper

This whitepaper, entitled Watershed Management Futures for Ontario has been developed by Conservation Ontario to stimulate a discussion between Conservation Authorities (CA’s) and the Province on options for a renewed watershed management partnership. It responds to issues and concerns that have been raised by partners, including municipalities and Ministries, non-government organizations (NGOs), the development industry, landowners, and CAs themselves. - Great Lakes - Conservation Authorities Act

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CO Comments on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions in Ontario

CO comments on the Ministry of the Environment (MOE)'s discussion paper “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions in Ontario: A Discussion Paper” (EBR# 011-7940).Conservation Ontario is highly supportive of the Ministry of Environment’s (MOE) commitment to developing a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reductions program tailored to suit Ontario’s needs. - Green Energy - Renewable Energy - Greenhouse Gases, - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind - Hyrdopower

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Conservation Ontario’s Response to Climate Ready: Ontario’s Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan June 2011

CO response to ‘Climate Ready: Ontario’s Adaptation Strategy & Action Plan". This response promotes the use of an an Integrated Watershed Management (IWM) approach as a logical means to organize and coordinate the work of the various Ministries and agencies that involved in adapting to our changing climate. - Green Energy - Renewable Energy - Greenhouse Gases, - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind - Hyrdopower

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CO Comments on MOE Discussion Paper on A Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade System for Ontario, June 2009

CO comments the Ministry of the Environment's Discussion Paper: Moving Forward: A Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade System for Ontario, June 2009 (EBR #010-6740). - Green Energy - Renewable Energy - Greenhouse Gases, - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind - Hyrdopower

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “A Wetland Conservation Strategy for Ontario 2016-2030” (EBR# 012-7675)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MNRF on “A Wetland Conservation Strategy for Ontario 2016-2030” (EBR# 012-7675). Conservation Ontario’s letter of comment identified three priority areas for improvement in the Strategy: 1) have one clear target to meet the mandate of “no net loss” of wetlands, 2) recognize Conservation Authorities as important partners in the implementation of this Strategy; including the regulatory role, and 3) be more specific about the purpose and goals of this Strategy. In particular, under 2), it was recommended that the “legislative/policy/guideline support and clarification for the Conservation Authorities Act (CAA)” be identified as a priority action in the Wetland Strategy.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Conservation Authorities Act Review Consultation Document. Conserving Our Future: Proposed Priorities for Renewal” (EBR# 012-7583)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MNRF on “Conservation Authorities Act Review Consultation Document. Conserving Our Future: Proposed Priorities for Renewal” (EBR# 012-7583). Conservation Ontario’s collective position focuses on five themes: confirm an integrated watershed management approach; establish a formalized provincial multi-ministry body; modernize governance and accountability provisions; establish a cost shared, multi-ministry sustainable funding model; and establish a multi-stakeholder table to regularly address client service issues and to facilitate consistency. The position was endorsed by Conservation Ontario Council by majority electronic vote on July 28, 2016.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on the Conservation Authorities Act Review Discussion Paper (EBR 012-4509)

Conservation Ontario's submission to MNRF on the Conservation Authorities Act Review Discussion Paper (EBR 012-4509). On July 20, 2015, the Province, under the lead of MNRF, posted the Conservation Authorities Act Review Discussion paper on the Environmental Registry for public review and comment. The purpose of this Discussion Paper was to identify opportunities to improve the existing legislative, regulatory and policy framework that currently governs Conservation Authorities and the programs and services they deliver on behalf of the province, municipalities and others. The Discussion Paper was seeking feedback on the following three areas: governance, funding mechanisms, and roles and responsibilities.

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CO Comments on Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Ontario Parcel Agreement (OPA) with Teranet and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation

CO Comments on Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Ontario Parcel Agreement (OPA) with Teranet and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation.

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CO Comments on Revitalizing Forfeited Corporate Property

CO Comments on the Ministry of Infrastructure’s initiative to improve the current legislative and management framework for forfeited property so that it provides the necessary tools to effectively manage Ontario’s risk and return properties to productive use in a timely and efficient manner. CO comments refer Section 2.4 which specifically references conservation authorities.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Strengthening Ontario's Trails Strategy"" (EBR # 011-9565)

As organizations involved in trail management, Conservation Authorities have observed a need for greater collaboration to ensure the sustainability of Ontario’s trails. Accordingly, Conservation Ontario remains supportive of the vision, goals and objectives of the Ontario Trails Strategy and is supportive of the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation’s proposed improvements. The comments in this Trails Strategy.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Guide: Consideration of Climate Change in Environmental Assessment in Ontario” (EBR# 012-5806)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MOECC on the draft “Guide: Consideration of Climate Change in Environmental Assessment in Ontario” (EBR# 012-5806). The purpose of the Guide is to broaden the understanding of proponents and the public about MOECC’s expectations for considering the effects of climate change in environmental assessment studies and processes. Conservation Ontario’s comments were supportive of the Guide’s recommendation of including climate change mitigation and adaptation considerations in environmental assessment projects in Ontario. The comments highlighted the need for more direction on considering a project’s effects on the resilience to climate change of the surrounding environment, infrastructure and communities.

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CO’s Comments on Proposed Amendment to the Class Environmental Assessment for Waterpower Projects

COs comments in support of Proposed Amendment to the Class Environmental Assessment for Waterpower Projects.

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Conservation Ontario's Class Environmental Assessment for Remedial Flood and Erosion Control Projects

CO's Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) document fulfills the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA) . It sets out procedures and environmental planning principles to be followed to plan, design, evaluate, implement, and monitor remedial flood and erosion control projects.

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CO comments on the CCME “One Project-One Assessment Approach to Environmental Assessment” and “Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment” papers

CO comments on two papers by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) that discuss challenges in the federal environmental assessment programs.

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CO Support for Funding for Regional Environmental Education Leads

CO comments on the success of Regional Environmental Education Leads in meeting Acting Today, Shaping Tomorrow: A Policy Framework for Environmental Education.

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Your Guide to Conservation Areas

Welcome to your guide to Ontario’s more than 270 Conservation Areas! Ontario’s Conservation Areas are just steps away from your front door and offer unique outdoor experiences to millions of visitors each year!

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on the Great Lakes Nearshore Framework

Conservation Ontario’s submission on the Great Lakes Nearshore Framework. The scope of the Framework covers the nearshore waters and embayments along the coasts of the Great Lakes, the lakes’ connecting river systems and the international section of the St. Lawrence River. Overall, the coordinated comments submitted by Conservation Ontario are supportive of the nearshore framework recognizing that it will be modified based on lessons learned from the pilot testing proposed for 2016-2017.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Waukesha Water Diversion Application

Conservation Ontario’s comments submitted March 14, 2016 on the Waukesha Water Diversion Application.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Groundwater Science Relevant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A Status Report

Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Groundwater Science Relevant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A Status Report” prepared by the Annex 8 subcommittee- submitted January 31, 2016.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Bill 66: Proposed Great Lakes Protection Act” (EBR #012-3523)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change's "Bill 66: Proposed Great Lakes Protection Act" (EBR #012-3523)

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Conservation Ontario’s support for the International Joint Commission’s Plan 2014 for Lake Ontario St. Lawrence River Water Level Regulation

CO’s letter of support to Minister John Baird for the International Joint Commission’s Plan 2014 for Lake Ontario St. Lawrence River Water Level Regulation

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Great Lakes Water Quality Presentation to the Federal Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainability

Conservation Ontario’s presentation to the Federal Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainability addresses questions raised by the Standing Committee in their examination of Great Lakes Water Quality. The presentation outlines, 4 key areas (priority locations) in the Great Lakes Basin where progress can be made to improve Great Lakes water quality; efforts that are currently underway or planned for remediation, and, best practices that will facilitate further remediation of areas of environmental concern within the Great Lakes Basin.

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Integrated Watershed management Navigating Ontario’s Future

This summary document is part of a shared undertaking between Conservation Ontario (representing Ontario’s 36 Conservation Authorities), the Ontario Ministries of Natural Resources and Environment and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada to explore jointly our understanding of IWM in Ontario, assess it against other IWM work occurring globally and nationally to identify gaps, and recommend strategic shifts needed to address the identified gaps in working towards a Provincial Integrated Watershed Management Framework. - Integrated Watershed Management

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Low Impact Development Discussion Paper

The Low Impact Development Discussion Paper is intended to raise awareness and stimulate a dialogue on the challenges associated with current stormwater management (SWM) practices in Ontario, identify the benefits of Low Impact Development (LID) and act as a roadmap for broad scale implementation of LID across Ontario. LID techniques offer an effective and affordable option to mitigate the environmental impacts of urbanization, while offering beneficial outcomes to developers, municipalities and the public. Moving forward, Credit Valley (CVC), Toronto and Region (TRCA) and Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authorities (LSRCA) propose to work with the Province, area municipalities and the development community to help overcome the existing challenges related to wide-scale application of LID in Ontario.

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CO Submission on the Lake Ontario St. Lawrence River Plan 2014

CO submitted comments on the International Joint Commission's 2014 Plan for managing Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River water levels and flows.CO is supportive of a balanced plan for regulating outflows from Lake Ontario though the St. Lawrence that allows more natural water levels to support coastal wetlands while continuing to provide protection from extreme high and low water levels. In addition CO provided the IJC with information on the CA approach to flood management in Ontario in the interest of transferring lessons learned to Lake Ontario’s south shore.

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CO Comments on Healthy Great Lakes Discussion Paper

CO's comments on the Ministry of the Environment’s Discussion Paper: Healthy Great Lakes, Strong Ontario. Talking with Ontarians about Protecting, Restoring, Using and Enjoying the Great Lakes (EBR #010-6105).

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CO's Submission on Negotiations to Amend the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement – Sept 20, 2011

CO's submission on negotiations to amend the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (Sept 20, 2011).

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CO's Comments on the extension of the Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem

CO comments on the Ministry of the Environment's proposal to extend of the 2007 Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem (EBR #010-9068).

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CO’s Support for the IJC's Proposed Coordinated Adaptive Management Approach

CO sent a letter to the International Joint Commission (IJC) offering its support for the development of a water quantity advisory board that would advise the IJC and its Boards of Control regarding adaptively managing for extremes in levels and flow fluctuations and applauding the IJC for its leadership in advancing the state of knowledge of adaptive management.

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CO Comments on IJC proposed Approach to Managing levels and flows in the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River system

CO comments on the International Joint Commission’s (IJC) proposed new Approach to Managing levels and flows in the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River system " Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River:A New Path Forward.

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CO Comments on Ontario's Draft Great Lakes Strategy

CO comments on Ontario’s Draft Great Lakes Strategy (EBR Registry # 011-6418). Overall, CO is very supportive of the Province’s initiative to protect the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Basin. In determining our ongoing and future role, CO’s review of the Strategy is particularly focused on the future actions to meet the Strategy's 6 Goals with regard to where the greatest opportunities lie and where there may be gaps.

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CO Comments on Bill 100, An Act to Protect and Restore the Great Lakes St. Lawrence River Basin

Conservation Ontario Comments on Bill 100, An Act To Protect And Restore The Great Lakes St. Lawrence River Basin (EBR Registry # 011-6461). CO supports the purpose of the Act which is to protect and restore the ecological health of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence River Basin, and to create opportunities for individuals and communities to become involved in its protection and restoration.

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CO Comments on Draft Adaptive Management Plan for Addressing Extreme Water Levels in Great Lakes

CO reviewed the IJC Adaptive Management Task team's Draft “Building Collaboration Across the Great Lakes –St. Lawrence River System, An Adaptive Management Plan for Addressing Extreme Water Levels "to all CAs. CO provided general comments on the Adaptive Management Plan and detailed how CAs could contribute to its implementation.

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CO Expresses Support for Final Adaptive Management Plan for Addressing Extreme Water Levels in Great Lakes

CO wrote to the IJC Commissioners to express support for the final version of the Adaptive Management Plan for Addressing Extreme Water Levels “Building Collaboration Across the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence River System” proposed by the IJC Task Team and submitted to the IJC May 31 , 2013.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on The International Joint Commission’s Report: Lake Erie Ecosystem Priority (LEEP): Scientific Findings and Policy Recommendations to Reduce Nutrient Loadings and Harmful Algal Blooms.

CO commends the International Joint Commission (IJC) on the completion of a useful report summarizing the key issues facing Lake Erie with respect to phosphorus enrichment. CO’s general and specific comments are provided to support the recommendations and provide suggestions to improve the overall clarity of the Lake erie Ecosystem Priority (LEEP) report.Conservation Authorities look forward to continuing to partner with government and other organizations to implement actions consistent with these recommendations such as monitoring phosphorus sources and connections to the Great Lakes and implementing best management practices appropriate for sub-watersheds conditions.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Amendments to the Technical Guide to Renewable Energy Approvals (EBR# 012-7600)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MOECC on the “Amendments to the Technical Guide to Renewable Energy Approvals” (EBR# 012-7600). Conservation Ontario’s comments were supportive of the amendments to the Technical Guide which recognize the regulatory authority of Conservation Authorities, including their role in managing development in natural hazard areas, and were also supportive of the amendments for proponents to consult Conservation Authorities at an early stage in the REA application process. It was recommended that proponents must have written confirmation from the local Conservation Authority to obtain an amendment to a REA and that Stormwater Management Plans and Erosion and Sediment Plans should address both surface and groundwater impacts.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Discussion Paper: Enhancements to the FIT Program”

Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Discussion Paper: Enhancements to the FIT Program". Under the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Program, the FIT program is for renewable energy projects generating 10 kilowatts or more, and is part of the Province's renewable energy strategy.

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CO Comments on Proposed Waterpower and Windpower Site Release Policies and Procedures

CO comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ waterpower and windpower site release policies and procedures (EBR #010-7895). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on Ministry of the Environment's Proposed Regulations to Implement the Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009

CO comments on the Ministry of Environment’s Proposed Regulations to Implement the Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009, (EBR #010-6516). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on Draft Approval and Permitting Requirements for Renewable Energy Projects

CO comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Draft Approval and Permitting Requirements Document for Renewable Energy Projects (EBR #010-6708). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on Proposed Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009

CO comments on comment on Bill 150, the proposed “Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009” (EBR#010-6017). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on Proposed Amendments to O.Reg 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals)

CO comments on the Ministry of the Environment (MOE)'s proposed amendments to the Renewable Energy Approval (REA) Regulation (O.Reg 359/09) under the Environmental Protection Act (EBR #011-0181). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on the Review of the waterpower and windpower site release policies and procedures

CO comments regarding the Ministry of Natural Resources’ revised waterpower and windpower site release policies and procedures (EBR #010-7895). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on Renewable Energy Approval Technical Guidance

CO comments on Renewable Energy Approval Technical Guidance Bulletins (EBR #010-9235). These bulletins are intended to provide more detailed guidance around O.Reg 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals under Part V.0.1) under the Environmental Protection Act to support the implementation of the Green Energy Act. - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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Amendment to Conservation Ontario comments re. Renewable Energy Approval Technical Guidance Bulletins (EBR #010-9235)

Amendment to Conservation Ontario comments re. Renewable Energy Approval Technical Guidance Bulletins (EBR #010-9235). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on Offshore Windpower: Consideration of Additional Areas to be Removed from Future Development

CO comments focus on discussing where, when and how the Province should make Crown land available for offshore wind projects (EBR #011-0907). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on Off-Shore Wind Facilities Renewable Energy Approval Requirements Discussion Paper

CO comments on the Ministry of Environment's Discussion paper "Renewable Energy Approval Requirements for Off-shore Wind Facilities - An Overview of the Proposed Approach" (EBR #011-0089). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO's Comments on Renewable Energy Approval Guidance for Preparing the Water Assessment and Water Body Reports

CO's comments on the Ministry of the Environment’s Renewable Energy Approvals Technical Bulletin - Guidance for Preparing the Water Assessment and Water Body Reports ( posted for public comment on the Environmental Registry (EBR #011-1962)). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO’s Comments on Draft microFIT Rules and Contract

CO’s comments on Draft microFIT Rules and Contract. CO is concerned that Conservation Authorities are being told that they are an important partner in the green economy and yet barriers to effective partnership, such as ineligibility, are being kept in place. - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Amendments to O. Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals under Part V.0.1 of the Act), Reg. 334

CO initial comments on the Ministry of the Environment’s “Amendments to O.Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals under Part V.0.1 of the Act), Reg. 334 (General) and the Technical Guide to Renewable Energy Approvals”. Conservation Ontario commends the Ministry of the Environment for encouraging proponents to proactively engage Conservation Authorities throughout the regulatory process. - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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Conservation Ontario Comments on Additional Amendments to O. Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals

CO comments on Ministry of the Environment's proposed Additional Amendments to O. Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals under Part V.0.1 of the Environmental Protection Act) (EBR #011?6509). Although supportive of the green energy agenda, CO expressed concern with the proposed amendments. - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on the Draft “Renewable Energy on Crown Land Policy”

CO comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ draft “Renewable Energy on Crown Land Policy” (EBR # 011-6005). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Waukesha Water Diversion Application

Conservation Ontario’s comments submitted March 14, 2016 on the Waukesha Water Diversion Application.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Groundwater Science Relevant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A Status Report

Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A Status Report” prepared by the Annex 8 subcommittee- submitted January 31, 2016.

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Conservation Ontario‘s Comments on Regulation 903 (Wells) Legislative and Regulatory Framework Review

Conservation Ontario's comments on Regulation 903 (Wells) Legislative and Regulatory Framework Review. Regulation 903 (Wells), made under the Ontario Water Resources Act, is the regulation that governs the construction, maintenance, and decommissioning of water wells in Ontario.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Co-ordinated Review of the Growth Plan for Greater Golden Horseshoe, Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and Niagara Escarpment Plan (EBR# 012-3256)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Co-ordinated Review of the Growth Plan for Greater Golden Horseshoe, Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and Niagara Escarpment Plan (EBR# 012-3256).

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The Importance of Watershed Management In Protecting Ontario’s Drinking Water Supplies

Conservation Ontario, on behalf of all Conservation Authorities and specifically in partnership with Saugeen Conservation and the Grand River Conservation Authority submitted this paper, entitled "The Importance of Watershed Management In Protecting Ontario’s Drinking Water Supplies", to the Honourable Dennis O’Connor, Commissioner, for the Walkerton Inquiry. Based on a review of watershed management in Ontario, it provides a series of recommendations that focus on ways that the province could improve upon current practices, and thus strengthen the role that watershed management plays in protecting the long-term security of drinking water supplies. - Great Lakes - Walkerton - Source Water Protection - Clean Water Act

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Excess Soil Management Policy Framework (EBR# 012-6065)

Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Excess Soil Management Policy Framework” (EBR# 012-6065)- submitted to MOECC on March 24, 2016. On January 26, 2016 the MOECC released the “Excess Soil Management Policy Framework” which proposed a path forward, actions and guiding principles for the development of a policy related to the management of excess soil.

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CO Comments on Draft MOE Soil Management Guide

CO comments on the Ministry of the Environment’s (MOE) Draft “Soil Management – A Guide for Best Management Practices” document.

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CO Comments on MOE Soil Management Guide

CO comments on the Ministry of the Environment’s (MOE) “Soil Management – A Guide for Best Management Practices”. CO 's comments provide a general overview of the Conservation Authority (CA) perspective on fill management and focus specifically on the CA mandate in relation to the best management practices identified within this document. - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations - Fill - Soil Management

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Schedule 1 of Bill 39 – Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act, 2016” (EBR# 012-8443)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MNRF on the “Schedule 1 of Bill 39 – Aggregate Resources and Mining Modernization Act, 2016” (EBR# 012-8443). On October 6, 2016, MNRF posted an Act Proposal Notice to the Environmental Registry to introduce a bill to amend both the Aggregate Resources Act and the Mining Act. The coordinated comments is supportive of the proposed changes as they appear to be primarily enabling in nature, but will allow for better integration with the Clean Water Act.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on “A Blueprint for Change: A Proposal to modernize and strengthen the Aggregate Resources Act policy framework” (EBR 012-5444)

Conservation Ontario's submission to MNRF on "A Blueprint for Change: A Proposal to modernize and strengthen the Aggregate Resources Act policy framework" (EBR 012-5444). On October 21, 2015 the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) released "A Blueprint for Change: A Proposal to modernize and strengthen the Aggregate Resources Act policy framework". As stated on the Environmental Registry, the Blueprint sets out to build a framework that will better support aggregate management in the province and help achieve the province's four main goals: stronger oversight, environmental accountability, improved information and participation, and increased and equalized fees and royalties.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the Cornerstone Standards Council (CSC) Draft Responsible Aggregate Standards

Cornerstone Standards Council (CSC), is a non-profit organization that is developing a voluntary certification system for responsible pits and quarries in Ontario. CO submitted comments on the draft certification standards. CO was supportive in principle of the overall direction to aggregate operators provided by the proposed Standard. CO’s comments also identified a number of areas where the proposed Standards could be made more robust. In particular, the certification process should be more clearly linked to successful adherence to requirements, performance benchmarks and metrics. Further emphasis should be placed on requirements for existing operations and content of rehabilitation plans, consideration of cumulative impacts and the use of a landscape planning approach. It was also suggested that the proposed Standards indicate that Conservation Authorities may be engaged and consulted for their expertise where appropriate.

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CO Comment on Proposed Legislative Amendments to the Mining Act

CO comments on the Ministry of Northern Development and Mine’s (MNDM’s) proposed legislative amendments to the Mining Act, which were introduced through Bill 173, the Mining Amendment Act, 2009, and posted for public comment on the Environmental Registry (EBR #010-6559). - Mining Act

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CO Comments on the Development Regulations for Ontario's new Mining Act

CO comments on Ontario’s New Mining Act and the proposed Workbook for the Development of Regulations (EBR #010-8656). - Mining Act

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the Federal Infrastructure Plan - Phase 2

Conservation Ontario’s submission on the Federal Infrastructure Plan – Phase 2. Conservation Ontario's comments encouraged the Federal Government to continue and consider making future investments in Conservation Authority green and grey infrastructure and related programs and services, to use an Integrated Watershed Planning and Management framework to base decisions on infrastructure investments, and to recognize that Conservation Authorities are ready to assist in the development of a comprehensive infrastructure action plan to better predict, prepare for and respond to weather related emergencies and natural disasters.

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Approaches to manage regulatory event flow increase resulting from urban development

The Approaches to Manage Regulatory Event Flow Increase Resulting From Urban Development document provides guidance on approaches to address increases in regulatory flood risk as a result of ongoing and proposed urban development.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on “Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin” (EBR 012-5093)

Conservation Ontario's submission to MNRF on "Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin" (EBR 012-5093). On September 15, 2015 the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), introduced a draft LRIA Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin to update the original 2006 document. As stated on the Environmental Registry, the Section 16 Technical Bulletin applies to alterations, improvements and repairs to existing dams and is part of MNRF's continued commitment to modernize and improve provincial requirements for the design, construction and management of dams.

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MNRF-CO Cooperative Agreement for the Hydrometric Network in Ontario

This agreement between Conservation Ontario and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) formalizes the relationship between Conservation Authorities (CA), MNRF, and Water Survey of Canada in the hydrometric network in Ontario and gives CAs an opportunity to enter into an agreement to actively participate in the operation and maintenance of stream gauging stations in Ontario. The rules and process for a CA to enter into an agreement with the MNRF for this network are outlined in this document.

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Conservation Ontario(CO)’s comments on the proposed updates to provincial requirements for the location and management of dams under the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act (EBR # 012-0562)

CO provided comments on the MNR’s four new technical bulletins to implement the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act (LRIA). These bulletins establish construction and operation requirements for dams and requirements for location approval, operating plans, plan implementation and plan amendments. CO’s comments supported the overall direction in the guidance documents and offered feedback for enhancing them. In particular, CO was supportive of the proposal to allow third parties to request a review of operating and water management plans. However, CO stressed that it is important that recreational river uses do not compromise public safety and security of water supply for the river. CO also expressed concern about the elimination of the requirement for Standing Advisory Committees (SACs) and suggested that criteria be established to determine when SACS should be required.

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Dodging the ‘Perfect Storm’ Conservation Ontario’s Business Case for Strategic Reinvestment in Ontario’s Flood Management Programs, Services, and Structures

Dodging the ‘Perfect Storm’ Conservation Ontario’s Business Case for Strategic Reinvestment in Ontario’s Flood Management Programs, Services, and Structures - Flooding - Integrated Watershed Management - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations

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Protecting People and Property: A Business CaseFor Investing In Flood Prevention & Control

PROTECTING PEOPLE AND PROPERTY A Business Case For Investing In Flood Prevention & Control - Flooding - Integrated Watershed Management - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations

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CO comments on MNR's Draft Policies and Procedures for CA Plan Review and Permitting Activities

CO comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)'s Policies and Procedures for CA Plan Review and Permitting Activities (EBR#010-8243). In general, CO expressed support for the creation of this chapter of the Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR) Policies and Procedures Manual. - Flooding - Integrated Watershed Management - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations

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CO Comments on Amendments to Ontario Regulation 97/04 of the Conservation Authorities Act (1990)

CO comments on the proposed amendments to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)'s O.Reg 97/04 made under the Conservation Authorities Act (EBR #011-0884). - Flooding - Integrated Watershed Management - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations

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CO Comments on Annex 2: Integrated Approach to Flood Mitigation in Canada, Sub-Component of the National Disaster Mitigation Strategy

CO comments on “Annex 2: Integrated Approach to Flood Mitigation in Canada, Sub-Component of the National Disaster Mitigation Strategy”. CO welcomes the development of a national level strategy to address disaster mitigation and applauds the team’s efforts to date in this regard. - Flooding - Integrated Watershed Management - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations

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Addressing Urbanization and the Regulatory Flood Hazard

CO Council passed a resolution to request that the Ministry of Natural Resources initiate appropriate steps, in conjunction with Conservation Authorities, municipalities and other key stakeholders to develop a feasible and cost-effective solution to address the issue of urbanization and its potential to increase flood hazards. - Flooding - Integrated Watershed Management - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations

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Further Action to Address Urbanization and Regulatory Flood Hazard

CO correspondence with MNR concerning a review of the MNR technical guidance to support Section 28 CA approvals. - Flooding - Integrated Watershed Management - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “A Wetland Conservation Strategy for Ontario 2016-2030” (EBR# 012-7675)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MNRF on “A Wetland Conservation Strategy for Ontario 2016-2030” (EBR# 012-7675). Conservation Ontario’s letter of comment identified three priority areas for improvement in the Strategy: 1) have one clear target to meet the mandate of “no net loss” of wetlands, 2) recognize Conservation Authorities as important partners in the implementation of this Strategy; including the regulatory role, and 3) be more specific about the purpose and goals of this Strategy. In particular, under 2), it was recommended that the “legislative/policy/guideline support and clarification for the Conservation Authorities Act (CAA)” be identified as a priority action in the Wetland Strategy.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Regulation of invasive species under the Ontario Invasive Species Act, 2015” (EBR# 012-8310)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MNRF on “Regulation of invasive species under the Ontario Invasive Species Act, 2015” (EBR# 012-8310). On September 8, 2016, MNRF posted a regulation proposal to classify the 16 species identified on the Conference of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers “Least Wanted Aquatic Invasive Species List” and all species in the Channidae family as prohibited, and classify Phragmites, Dog Strangling Vine and Japanese Knotweed as restricted species under the Invasive Species Act, 2015. Conservation Ontario’s comments focused on classifying more species as restricted or prohibited under the Invasive Species Act, 2015, not issuing orders by an inspector to force the control, removal or eradication of Phragmites until there is a safe and effective mechanism that does not threaten surface and groundwater, and providing funding support or compensation as incentives for private and public landowners to control and/or remove invasive species on their property. On November 4, 2016, MNRF made a decision to proceed with the regulation proposal as described, subject to some changes as a result of public consultation.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Control of Invasive Species: Phragmites australis in Ontario

Conservation Ontario’s comments submitted January 21st 2016 to Premier Wynne on the Control of Invasive Species: Phragmites australis in Ontario.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on “Wetland Conservation in Ontario: A Discussion Paper” (EBR 012-4464)

Conservation Ontario's submission to MNRF on "Wetland Conservation in Ontario: A Discussion Paper" (EBR 012-4464). On July 27, 2015, the Province, under the lead of MNRF, initiated the wetland framework review by releasing a Discussion Paper entitled "Wetland Conservation in Ontario". As stated on the Environmental Registry, the purpose of this discussion paper was to "provide information in order to stimulate ideas and seek input on challenges, opportunities, ideas and actions related to wetland conservation in Ontario" and to ultimately assist MNRF in developing a wetland strategy.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Development of the government response statement for Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark under the Endangered Species Act, 2007” (EBR #012-1597)

CO’s Comments on the “Development of the government response statement for Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark under the Endangered Species Act, 2007” (EBR #012-1597). CO supports the proposed amendment which would continue the exemption for agricultural operations in relation to Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark for an interim period of 14 month and the nine principles proposed in Round Table Recommendation #3.3.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Amendment of Ontario Regulation 197/11 made under the Endangered Species Act, 2007” with regard to agricultural operations and Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark” (EBR# 012-1596)

CO’s Comments on the “Amendment of Ontario Regulation 187/11 made under the Endangered Species Act, 2007” with regard to agricultural operations and Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark (EBR# 012-1596). CO supports the proposed amendment which would continue the exemption for agricultural operations in relation to Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark for an interim period of 14 months.

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CO Comments Regarding the Expansion of the 50 Million Trees Program

CO comments and suggestions for the expansion of the 50 Million Trees Program. - Stewardship

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Conservation Ontario Submission to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development Regarding the Continued Study on the National Conservation Plan for Canada

As leaders in environmental protection in Ontario, Conservation Authorities (CAs) support the creation of a National Conservation Plan.CO's comments draw on CA experiences to highlight a number of issues with the way conservation is currently practiced in Ontario that could benefit from an overarching conservation plan.

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CO Comments on the Updated (second edition) Natural Heritage Reference Manual:Natural Heritage Protection through the Provincial Policy Statement

CO comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Updated Natural Heritage Reference Manual, which was posted for public comment on the Environmental Registry (EBR #010-5853).

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Development of integrated Natural Heritage Systems Plans by Conservation Authorities 3

CO letter to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the development of integrated Natural Heritage Systems Plans by Conservation Authorities.

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Development of integrated Natural Heritage Systems Plans by Conservation Authorities 2

CO letter to the Minister of the Energy and Infrastructure regarding the development of integrated Natural Heritage Systems Plans by Conservation Authorities.

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Development of integrated Natural Heritage Systems Plans by Conservation Authorities 1

CO letter to the Minister of the Environment regarding the development of integrated Natural Heritage Systems Plans by Conservation Authorities.

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CO support for the Natural Infrastructure Collaborative of Ontario

CO letter of support to the Natural Infrastructure Collaborative of Ontario.

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CO comments regarding the draft Forest Management Guide for Conserving Biodiversity at the Stand and Site Scales

CO comments on the e Ministry of Natural Resources' Environmental Bill of Rights Registry posting of the draft Forest Management Guide for Conserving Biodiversity at the Stand and Site Scales (EBR #010-5218)

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CO comments regarding the draft Forest Management Guide for Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Forest Landscapes

CO comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources' Environmental Bill of Rights Registry posting of the draft Forest Management Guide for Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Forest Landscapes (EBR #010-5226).

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CO Comments on Working collaboratively to address the threat of invasive plants in the province of Ontario

CO comments in support of the development of an Ontario Invasive Species Action Plan.

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CO Comments on the Amendment to Ontario Regulation 242/08 under the ESA respecting Bobolink

CO comments on the amendments to the Ontario Regulation 242/08 (General) under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA) respecting Bobolink and establishment of an advisory group to support the development of a long term approach to Bobolink recovery (EBR Registry Number 011-2901). - Endangered Species Act - Species at Risk - Stewardship

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CO Comments on Proposed Guidance to Support Implementation of the Endangered Species Act

CO comments regarding the Ministry of Natural Resources? (MNR) “Guidance to Support the Application of Subsection 10(1) (the habitat provision) of Ontario's Endangered Species Act, 2007”, and “Endangered Species Act (ESA) Submissions Standards for Activity Review and 17(2)(c) Overall Benefit Permits”.

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CO Comments on Ontario's Ontario Invasive Species Strategic Plan (OISSP)

CO comments regarding the Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR) “Ontario Invasive Species Strategic Plan (OISSP)”, which was posted for public comment on the Environmental Registry (EBR #011-2884).

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CO Comments on Amendments to the General Regulation (Ontario Regulation 242/08) under the Endangered Species Act

CO comments regarding the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Amendments to the General Regulation (Ontario Regulation 242/08) under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 to prescribe the habitat for three species at risk.CO comments focus on the proposed habitat protection for Redside Dace. - Endangered Species Act - Species at Risk

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CO Comments on the Draft Guide to Provincial Approvals for Natural Resource Management Projects Involving Terrestrial Vegetation Control and a Class 9 Pesticide

CO comments on the draft Guide to Provincial Approvals for Natural Resource Management Projects Involving Terrestrial Vegetation Control and a Class 9 Pesticide (2011).

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CO Comments on Natural Heritage Assessment Guide: for natural heritage assessment sections of Ontario Regulation 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approval)

CO's comments on the proposed Natural Heritage Assessment Guide: For natural heritage assessment sections of Ontario Regulation 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approval) issued under the Environmental Protection Act (EBR #011-1845) - Green Energy - Renewable Energy

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CO Comments on MNR's Draft Plan to Conserve Biodiversity

CO’s comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)'s “Biodiversity: It’s in Our Nature, Ontario Government Plan to Conserve Biodiversity” (EBR# 011?6450). - Biodiversity Strategy

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CO Comments on the Interim Protocol for Review of Project Proposals that may Affect Aquatic Species at Risk in Ontario

CO Comments on the “Interim Protocol for the Review of Project Proposals that may affect Aquatic Species at Risk in Ontario 2011” (EBR # 011-5661).The development of a harmonized approach to the review and approval of proposed development projects under the Fisheries Act, Species at Risk Act (SARA) and the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA 2007) is supported. - Endangered Species Act - Species at Risk Act - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on “Significant Wildlife Habitat Eco-regional Criteria Schedules”

CO Comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR)“Significant Wildlife Habitat Eco-regional Criteria Schedules” (EBR # 011-5740).CO commends the MNR’s effort to work closely with some Conservation Authorities (CAs) to receive input on the local definition of significant wildlife habitat (SWH) within their watersheds and encourages MNR staff to continue to engage CAs.

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CO Comments on Proposed Approaches to Modernize the Implementation of the Endangered Species Act

CO Comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR) “Proposed approaches to the implementation of the Endangered Species Act”. Overall, CO is supportive, of the Ministry’s initiative to modernize the Endangered Species Act (ESA) approvals process, however, the posting lacks some of the information needed to fully assess the proposal. - Endangered Species Act - Species at Risk

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the Invasive Species Discussion Paper (EBR # 011-9780)

CO letter to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) providing comments on the Invasive Species Discussion paper. CO was supportive of this initiative to improve Ontario’s response to invasive species. CO encouraged the MNR to o move forward with its proposal to take on a strong leadership role in leveraging existing expertise and coordinating and supporting the efforts of partners such as Conservation Authorities in order to effectively manage invasive species.

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Species At Risk

A Species at Risk package has been developed for each Conservation Authority watershed and includes a Distribution Map Reference Guide document, map legend, key map for the area of interest and a table which lists Species at Risk found within the Conservation Authority boundaries. Some Conservation Authorities have multiple maps depending on data and watershed size. Instructions around SAR permitting and contact information are contained in the Distribution Map Reference Guide.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “A Wetland Conservation Strategy for Ontario 2016-2030” (EBR# 012-7675)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MNRF on “A Wetland Conservation Strategy for Ontario 2016-2030” (EBR# 012-7675). Conservation Ontario’s letter of comment identified three priority areas for improvement in the Strategy: 1) have one clear target to meet the mandate of “no net loss” of wetlands, 2) recognize Conservation Authorities as important partners in the implementation of this Strategy; including the regulatory role, and 3) be more specific about the purpose and goals of this Strategy. In particular, under 2), it was recommended that the “legislative/policy/guideline support and clarification for the Conservation Authorities Act (CAA)” be identified as a priority action in the Wetland Strategy.

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CO Comments on Provincial Plan Review

Conservation Ontario’s comments on the review of the Greenbelt, Growth, Niagara Escarpment and Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plans.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Excess Soil Management Policy Framework (EBR# 012-6065)

Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Excess Soil Management Policy Framework” (EBR# 012-6065)- submitted to MOECC on March 24, 2016. On January 26, 2016 the MOECC released the “Excess Soil Management Policy Framework” which proposed a path forward, actions and guiding principles for the development of a policy related to the management of excess soil.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on “Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin” (EBR 012-5093)

Conservation Ontario's submission to MNRF on "Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin" (EBR 012-5093). On September 15, 2015 the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), introduced a draft LRIA Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin to update the original 2006 document. As stated on the Environmental Registry, the Section 16 Technical Bulletin applies to alterations, improvements and repairs to existing dams and is part of MNRF's continued commitment to modernize and improve provincial requirements for the design, construction and management of dams.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on “A Blueprint for Change: A Proposal to modernize and strengthen the Aggregate Resources Act policy framework” (EBR 012-5444)

Conservation Ontario's submission to MNRF on "A Blueprint for Change: A Proposal to modernize and strengthen the Aggregate Resources Act policy framework" (EBR 012-5444). On October 21, 2015 the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) released "A Blueprint for Change: A Proposal to modernize and strengthen the Aggregate Resources Act policy framework". As stated on the Environmental Registry, the Blueprint sets out to build a framework that will better support aggregate management in the province and help achieve the province's four main goals: stronger oversight, environmental accountability, improved information and participation, and increased and equalized fees and royalties.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on the Conservation Authorities Act Review Discussion Paper (EBR 012-4509)

Conservation Ontario's submission to MNRF on the Conservation Authorities Act Review Discussion Paper (EBR 012-4509). On July 20, 2015, the Province, under the lead of MNRF, posted the Conservation Authorities Act Review Discussion paper on the Environmental Registry for public review and comment. The purpose of this Discussion Paper was to identify opportunities to improve the existing legislative, regulatory and policy framework that currently governs Conservation Authorities and the programs and services they deliver on behalf of the province, municipalities and others. The Discussion Paper was seeking feedback on the following three areas: governance, funding mechanisms, and roles and responsibilities.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on “Wetland Conservation in Ontario: A Discussion Paper” (EBR 012-4464)

Conservation Ontario's submission to MNRF on "Wetland Conservation in Ontario: A Discussion Paper" (EBR 012-4464). On July 27, 2015, the Province, under the lead of MNRF, initiated the wetland framework review by releasing a Discussion Paper entitled "Wetland Conservation in Ontario". As stated on the Environmental Registry, the purpose of this discussion paper was to "provide information in order to stimulate ideas and seek input on challenges, opportunities, ideas and actions related to wetland conservation in Ontario" and to ultimately assist MNRF in developing a wetland strategy.

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario’s Prime Agricultural Areas – Draft for input and discussion”

Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario's Prime Agricultural Areas – Draft for input and discussion". The draft Guidelines were developed by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to assist municipalities, decision-makers, farmers and others with interpreting the policies in the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) on the range of uses permitted in prime agricultural areas.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Technical Paper on the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry and Short-Term Water Takings” (EBR #012-0580)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change's "Technical Paper on the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry and Short-Term Water Takings" (EBR #012-0580). By means of this Technical Paper, MOECC is consulting on additional activities which could be subject to the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) with the focus on short-term, non-recurring water taking activities.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Co-ordinated Review of the Growth Plan for Greater Golden Horseshoe, Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and Niagara Escarpment Plan (EBR# 012-3256)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Co-ordinated Review of the Growth Plan for Greater Golden Horseshoe, Greenbelt Plan, Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and Niagara Escarpment Plan (EBR# 012-3256).

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Bill 73 - Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015” (EBR# 012-3651)

Conservation Ontario's comments on "Bill 73 - Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015" (EBR# 012-3651). Under the lead of the MMAH, Bill 73 -Smart Growth for Our Communities Act, 2015 was introduced to amend the Planning Act and the Development Charges Act.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Provincial Bait Policy Review – Angler Use and Movement of Baitfish in Ontario” (EBR#012-2836)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Provincial Bait Policy Review – Angler Use and Movement of Baitfish in Ontario" (EBR#012-2836). Angler Use and Movement of Baitfish in Ontario is the first area to be addressed through policy review by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry as part of a comprehensive review of provincial bait policies to help improve the management of bait.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Bill 66: Proposed Great Lakes Protection Act” (EBR #012-3523)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change's "Bill 66: Proposed Great Lakes Protection Act" (EBR #012-3523)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Climate Change Discussion Paper” (EBR# 012-3452)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change's "Climate Change Discussion Paper" (EBR# 012-3452)

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CO Preliminary Positioning on the Upcoming Provincial Review of the Greenbelt, Niagara Escarpment and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plans

CO preliminary positioning on the upcoming review of the Greenbelt, Niagara Escarpment and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plans. Key themes include: water resources and natural heritage; implementation, streamlining and consistency; and sustainable livelihoods.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the proposed “Performance Indicators for the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe”

CO’s comments on the proposed “Performance Indicators for the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe”. Overall, CA staff felt that additional indicators were required to evaluate the efficacy of the Growth Plan, particularly in the area of “protecting, conserving, enhancing and wisely using natural resources”.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “An Introduction to the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014: Rural Ontario” and “An Introduction to the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014: Northern Ontario” Drafts for Discussion

CO’s Comments on “An Introduction to the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014: Rural Ontario” and “An Introduction to the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014: Northern Ontario” Drafts for Discussion. CO’s comments focused on highlighting the role that watershed planning can play in the management of resources, recommending additional documents that are available to assist in decision-making and clarification on some of the scenarios presented in the document.

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CO Comments on the Updated (second edition) Natural Heritage Reference Manual:Natural Heritage Protection through the Provincial Policy Statement

CO comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Updated Natural Heritage Reference Manual, which was posted for public comment on the Environmental Registry (EBR #010-5853). - Greenbelt Plan - Provincial Policy Statement - Niagara Escarpment Plan - Lake Simcoe Protection Plan - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan

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Development of integrated Natural Heritage Systems Plans by Conservation Authorities

CO letter to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the development of integrated Natural Heritage Systems Plans by Conservation Authorities. - Greenbelt Plan - Provincial Policy Statement - Niagara Escarpment Plan - Lake Simcoe Protection Plan - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan

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CO comments on protection draft Lake Simcoe Protection Plan

CO comments on draft Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (EBR #010-4636). - Greenbelt Plan - Provincial Policy Statement - Niagara Escarpment Plan - Lake Simcoe Protection Plan - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan

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CO comments on Lake Simcoe’s Proposed Phosphorus Reduction Strategy and Amendments to the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan

CO comments on the draft Lake Simcoe Phosphorus Reduction Strategy and Amendments to the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan ( EBR # 010-8986 ). - Greenbelt Plan - Provincial Policy Statement - Niagara Escarpment Plan - Lake Simcoe Protection Plan - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan

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CO Comments on Feasibility Study for Water Quality Trading in the Lake Simcoe Watershed

CO comments on the MOE's draft Feasibility Study for Water Quality Trading in the Lake Simcoe Watershed (EBR # 010-8989). - Greenbelt Plan - Provincial Policy Statement - Niagara Escarpment Plan - Lake Simcoe Protection Plan - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan

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CO comments on Draft Performance Monitoring Framework and Draft Indicators for the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005

CO comments on the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s Draft Performance Monitoring Framework and Draft Indicators for the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005, which were posted for public comment on the Environmental Registry (EBR #010-5700). - Greenbelt Plan - Provincial Policy Statement - Niagara Escarpment Plan - Lake Simcoe Protection Plan - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan

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CO Review of the Provincial Policy Statement 2005

CO comments on the Review of the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005 (EBR #010-9766). - Greenbelt Plan - Provincial Policy Statement - Niagara Escarpment Plan - Lake Simcoe Protection Plan - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan

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CO comments on the Ministry of Environment's Discussion Paper on Lake Simcoe Shoreline Protection

CO comments on the Ministry of Environment's Discussion Paper on Lake Simcoe Shoreline Protection (EBR #010-9107). - Greenbelt Plan - Provincial Policy Statement - Niagara Escarpment Plan - Lake Simcoe Protection Plan - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan

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CO Comments on the Greenbelt Plan Draft Performance Monitoring Framework Discussion Paper

CO comments on the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing's Discussion Paper to inform the development of a performance monitoring framework for the Greenbelt Plan (EBR #010-9407). - Greenbelt Plan - Provincial Policy Statement - Niagara Escarpment Plan - Lake Simcoe Protection Plan - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan

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CO Comments on the 5 year Review for the Provincial Policy Statement

CO comments on the “Provincial Policy Statement Five Year Review: Public Consultation on Draft Policies and the Review Cycle for the Provincial Policy Statement” (EBR #011-7070).CO comments focus on four main themes: natural hazards, natural heritage, Great Lakes, and aggregates. - Greenbelt Plan - Provincial Policy Statement - Niagara Escarpment Plan - Lake Simcoe Protection Plan - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan

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CO Comments on Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan and Greenbelt Boundary Regulation

CO comments on the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing's the proposal “Growing the Greenbelt – Proposed amendment to the Greenbelt Plan – Glenorchy Lands and Urban River Valleys” and the accompanying draft regulation “Growing the Greenbelt – Proposed amendment to the Greenbelt Area boundary regulation”. Comments were highly supportive of the inclusion of the Glenorchy Conservation Area in the Greenbelt Plan as well as the accompanying regulation but expressed concern about the proposal to provide municipalities with the opportunity to include urban river valleys within the Greenbelt Plan. - Greenbelt Plan - Provincial Policy Statement - Niagara Escarpment Plan - Lake Simcoe Protection Plan - Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Proposed Amendments to the Technical Rules under the Clean Water Act” (EBR# 012-8507)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MOECC on the “Proposed Amendment to the Director’s Technical Rules made under Section 107 of the Clean Water Act, 2006” (EBR# 012-8507). The coordinated comments acknowledge the anticipated positive impact of most of the proposed amendments. It is recommended to retain vulnerability scoring for significant groundwater recharge areas, to address non-point sources of pollution, and to revise the circumstances that influence if certain activities are significant-level threats to ensure protection to drinking water sources.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Updates to Ontario’s Drinking Water Quality Standards and other Regulations of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002” (EBR# 012-8244)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MOECC on “Updates to Ontario’s Drinking Water Quality Standards and other regulations of the Safe Drinking Act, 2002” (EBR# 012-8244). The coordinated comments acknowledge the positive impacts of the new proposed standards; suggest adapting a standard for a blue green algae related parameter; caution against the removal of Adverse Water Quality Incident reports for pesticides below the proposed 100 ng/L; and recommend that drinking water source protection be included in operators training.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Proposed Permit to Take Water Moratorium” (EBR# 012-8783)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MOECC on “A Regulation establishing a moratorium on the issuance of new or increasing permits to take water for water bottling” (EBR# 012-8783). The coordinated comments encourage the Province to broaden the scope of the proposed moratorium; and consider Low Water Response programs, Clean Water Act water budget studies, surface water-groundwater interactions, and partnering with local Conservation Authorities in proposed research towards water resource management.

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Conservation Ontario‘s Comments on Regulation 903 (Wells) Legislative and Regulatory Framework Review

Conservation Ontario's comments on Regulation 903 (Wells) Legislative and Regulatory Framework Review. Regulation 903 (Wells), made under the Ontario Water Resources Act, is the regulation that governs the construction, maintenance, and decommissioning of water wells in Ontario.

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CO Comments on Draft Drinking Water Source Protection Act

CO Comments on Draft Drinking Water Source Protection Act (EBR# AA04E0002).

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CO comments on the Proposal Paper: Stewardship - Leadership - Accountability: Safeguarding and Sustaining Ontario's Water Resources for Future Generations

CO provided comment on the Province’s "Proposal Paper: Stewardship - Leadership - Accountability: Safeguarding and Sustaining Ontario's Water Resources for Future Generations(EBR 010- 6350). - Stewardship - Clean Water Act - Water

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CO input to the Drinking Water Stewardship Program Consultations

CO provided an update on Conservation Authority activity and achievements with respect to the Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program (ODWSP) to date and comments as part of the province-wide consultation undertaken by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) for purposes of informing the future of the program to 2011. - Clean Water Act - Integrated Watershed Management

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The Ripple Effect: The Role of Ontario’s Conservation Authorities in Protecting Source Water

This captivating 15-minute DVD is available in both English and French. Using cinematography and animated graphics, The Ripple Effect covers many Source Water Protection topics in general terms, including: where our drinking water comes from, what happens to water before it gets to our taps, the origins of source water protection in Ontario, the multi-barrier approach to protecting source water, and how Conservation Authorities are involved in source water protection planning in communities across Ontario. This DVD is aimed at mature audiences, but is also appropriate for high school and late-elementary school students. It is an excellent introductory piece for education forums, open houses and information sessions with interested stakeholders and members of your community. If you are interested in receiving a DVD, please contact: Jayme Crittenden 120 Bayview Parkway, Box 11 Newmarket Ontario, L3Y 4W3 905-895-0716 ext. 233

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Ten Years After Walkerton: What Have We Learned?

(Municipal World Magazine) (C.Worte, Conservation Ontario, 2010)

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A Fine Balance

A Fine Balance (Water Canada) (Nicole Barbato, Conservation Ontario, 2011) Download More Details

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MOE Products

MOE Fact Sheets can be found in both English and French on the MOE Website: -Preparing and Implementing Source Protection Plans -Roles and Responsibilities -Facts on the Clean Water Act

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Walkerton Inquiry

Click here for more information

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Well Aware

A guide to caring for your well and protecting your family's health. The Well Aware Booklet, produced by the Green Communities Association in partnership with the Ontario Ground Water Association, was designed to provide information to homeowners and businesses on how to protect their well. It also provide the public with a better understanding of well water quality issues and how to address them. To get your free copy of the Well Aware Booklet, please contact the Ontario Ground Water Association.

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Protecting Water For Ontario

AMO Brochure: Protecting Water For Ontario

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Everyone Lives Downstream

Everyone Lives Downstream: Working Together To Ensure Safe and Plentiful Drinking Water Resources

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Real Estate Primer

A resource for real estate sales representatives.

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Real Estate infographic

A resource for real estate sales representatives.

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Municipal Councillor Primer

A reference for municipal councillors on Ontario's Drinking Water Source Protection Program.

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Municipal Planning Primer

A reference for municipal planning staff on Ontario's Drinking Water Source Protection Program.

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changed redirect to category.

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modified the flex form to remove the category action from the top, recent and views.

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Fuel - Safety Advisory Issued by TSSA's Fuel Safety Program

Recently, TSSA’s Fuel Safety program issued a safety advisory to all fuel oil distributors (and the affiliate industry associations) to remind them of their legal obligations as per the TSS Act and the Fuel Oil Regulation (O. Reg. 213/01). It is available for download here and can also be found on the TSSA website: According to the TSSA, the impetus behind this safety advisory stems from the most recent report by the Auditor General that flagged how there were some evidence of fuel oil distributors supplying fuel oil to tanks that are in “unacceptable conditions.” This advisory serves to remind the distributors that they all have a duty to ensure that oil is only supplied to equipment that have been inspected and deemed safe.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on Schedule 10 of Bill 66 (ERO#013-4293), the proposed Open-for-Business Planning Tool (ERO#013-4125), and a New Regulation under the Planning Act (ERO#013-4239)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on “Schedule 10 of Bill 66: Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act, 2018 (ERO #013-4293); the Proposed open-for-business planning tool (ERO# 013-4125) and a New Regulation under the Planning Act for open-for-business planning tool (ERO# 013-4239)”

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on Preserving and Protecting our Environment for Future Generations: A Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan (ERO#013-4208)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the “Preserving and Protecting our Environment for Future Generations: A Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan (ERO#013-4208)”.

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the proposed regulatory amendments to Ontario Regulation 267/03 under the Nutrient Management Act (ERO#013-4388)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs on the proposed regulatory amendments to Ontario Regulation 267/03 under the Nutrient Management Act (ERO#013-4388)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act: Discussion Paper” (ERO#013-4143)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the “10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act: Discussion Paper” (ERO#013-4143).

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Proposed Amendment to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2017” (ERO #013-4504)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on the “Proposed Amendment to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2017” (ERO #013-4504).

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Infographic - Spill Kit

This resource is for use with businesses near a source of municipal drinking water.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Consultation: Increasing Housing Supply in Ontario” (ERO#013-4190)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on the “Consultation: Increasing Housing Supply in Ontario” (ERO#013-4190).

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act: Proposed Changes” (ERO#013-5033)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the “10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act: Proposed Changes” (ERO#013-5033)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Focusing conservation authority development permits on the protection of people and property” (ERO#013-4992)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on “Focusing conservation authority development permits on the protection of people and property” (ERO#013-4992)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Focusing conservation authority development permits on the protection of people and property” – Attachment One

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on “Focusing conservation authority development permits on the protection of people and property” – Attachment One

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Discussion paper: modernizing Ontario’s environmental assessment program” (ERO#013-5101) and “Modernizing Ontario’s environmental assessment program – Environmental Assessment Act” (ERO #013-5102) and Schedule 6 of

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the “Discussion paper: modernizing Ontario’s environmental assessment program” (ERO#013-5101) and “Modernizing Ontario’s environmental assessment program – Environmental Assessment Act” (ERO #013-5102) and Schedule 6 of Bill 108, More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Excess Soil regulatory proposal and amendments to Record of Site Condition (Brownfields) Regulation” (ERO #013-5000) and “Holding polluters accountable by enhancing Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Park

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the “Excess Soil regulatory proposal and amendments to Record of Site Condition (Brownfields) Regulation” (ERO #013-5000) and “Holding polluters accountable by enhancing Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks’ enforcement tools” (ERO#019-0023) and Schedule 7 of Bill 108, More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on Proposed Amendments to the Planning Act Schedule 12 of Bill 108, More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (ERO#019-0016)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on the Proposed Amendments to the Planning Act Schedule 12 of Bill 108, More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 (ERO#019-0016)

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Test Doc larger

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Test PDF - new file

this is a test file using a new file based on an existing file. added text.

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Test Doc - using 4MB file

this is a test file to debug the server timeout error.

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Large-Scale Fill Operations Discussion Paper

This paper was prepared to make Conservation Authority (CA) staff aware of the emerging issues and complications associated with large-scale fill operations and it is intended to encourage CAs to complete strategic work within their watershed in advance of facing a challenging large-scale fill operation. - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations - Fill - Soil Management

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Proposed new Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health” (ERO#019-0198)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and Environment and Climate Change Canada on the “Proposed new Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health” (ERO#019-0198).

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Proposed amendments to the Aggregate Resources Act” (ERO#019-0556) and Schedule 16 of Bill 132, Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019

Conservation Ontario’s comments to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on the “Proposed amendments to the Aggregate Resources Act” (ERO#019-0556) and Schedule 16 of Bill 132, Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019.

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Conservation Ontario’s August 2019 Letter to Mr. Doug McNeil, Special Advisor on Flooding

Conservation Ontario’s August 2019 Letter to Mr. Doug McNeil, Special Advisor on Flooding.

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Conservation Ontario’s September 2019 Letter to Mr. Doug McNeil, Special Advisor on Flooding

Conservation Ontario’s September 2019 Letter to Mr. Doug McNeil, Special Advisor on Flooding.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the Provincial Policy Statement Review – Proposed Policies (ERO # 019-0279)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on the Provincial Policy Statement Review – Proposed Policies (ERO # 019-0279)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the Provincial Policy Statement Review – Proposed Policies (Attachment)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on the Provincial Policy Statement Review – Proposed Policies (Attachment)

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Waterpower Exemption from Permits To Take Water” (ERO#019-0545) and the “Amendments to Three Statutes administered by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to support the proposed Better for People, Smarter

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the “Waterpower Exemption from Permits To Take Water” (ERO#019-0545) and the “Amendments to Three Statutes administered by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to support the proposed Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2019 and a proposal for a new regulation under the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act” (ERO#019-0732)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Transforming and modernizing the delivery of Ontario’s Building Code services” (ERO #019-0422)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on “Transforming and modernizing the delivery of Ontario’s Building Code services” (ERO #019-0422)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Proposal to amend Ontario Regulation 454/96 (Construction) to provide alternative regulatory approval requirements for repairs to existing low hazard wetland dams” (ERO#019-1060)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on the “Proposal to amend Ontario Regulation 454/96 (Construction) to provide alternative regulatory approval requirements for repairs to existing low hazard wetland dams” (ERO#019-1060)

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Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Tool - Background and Training Materials

The new climate change vulnerability assessment tool provides a practical and consistent approach to assess local climate change impacts, to determine vulnerability of drinking water systems to climate change, and to highlight areas where actions may be needed to further protect source water quality across Ontario. The semi-quantitative tool uses widely established vulnerability assessment methods to assess climate change exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity and vulnerability of a drinking water system’s source water quality, based on information at both a watershed or sub-watershed scale and also at the drinking water system scale.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Drainage Act Discussion Paper” (ERO # 019- 1187)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs on the “Drainage Act Discussion Paper” (ERO # 019- 1187)

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on Updating Ontario’s Water Quantity Management Framework (ERO#019-1340)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on “Updating Ontario’s Water Quantity Management Framework” (ERO#019-1340)

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the Proposed Project List for comprehensive environmental assessments under the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA) (ERO#019-2377)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the “Proposed Project List for comprehensive environmental assessments under the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA)” (ERO#019-2377)

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the Proposed Changes to Environmental Approvals for Municipal Sewage Collection Works (ERO#019-1080)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the “Proposed Changes to Environmental Approvals for Municipal Sewage Collection Works” (ERO#019-1080)

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the Proposed amendments to regulations made under the Environmental Protection Act and Ontario Water Resources Act (ERO#019-2525)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the “Proposed amendments to regulations made under the Environmental Protection Act and Ontario Water Resources Act to make modifications to Environmental Activity and Sector Registry requirements and exemptions for low risk short-term water taking activities (ERO#019-2525)

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the Proposal to require municipal support for new or increased bottled water takings (ERO #019-2422) and Schedule 18 of Bill 213

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the “Proposal to require municipal support for new or increased bottled water takings” (ERO #019-2422) and Schedule 18 of Bill 213, Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on Extending Grandfathering for Infrastructure Projects and Providing Additional Flexibility for Excess Soil Reuse (ERO #019-2462)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on “Extending Grandfathering for Infrastructure Projects and Providing Additional Flexibility for Excess Soil Reuse” (ERO #019-2462)

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on Exempting dams from requiring a permit to take water (ERO#019-2517)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on “Exempting dams from requiring a permit to take water” (ERO#019-2517)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the Proposed Amendment 1 to A Place to Grow (EBR #019-1680) and the Proposed Land Needs Assessment Methodology for A Place to Grow (EBR #019-1679)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on the “Proposed Amendment 1 to A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe” (EBR #019-1680) and the “Proposed Land Needs Assessment Methodology for A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe” (EBR #019-1679)

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the Proposed Species at Risk Conservation Fund and Additional Streamlined Authorizations (ERO#019-2636)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on “A proposal under the Endangered Species Act to enable use of the Species at Risk Conservation Fund and to streamline authorizations for certain activities that impact species at risk, while maintaining protections for species at risk” (ERO#019-2636)

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the Ontario Professional Foresters Association’s Review of the Professional Foresters Act, 2000

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ontario Professional Foresters Association on their scoped review of the Professional Foresters Act, 2000 and its regulation.

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Proposed Implementation of Updates to Ontario’s Water Quantity Management Framework” (ERO#019-2017)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the “Proposed Implementation of Updates to Ontario’s Water Quantity Management Framework” (ERO#019-2017)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Proposed implementation of provisions in the Planning Act that provide the Minister enhanced authority to address certain matters as part of a zoning order” (ERO #019-2811)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on the “Proposed implementation of provisions in the Planning Act that provide the Minister enhanced authority to address certain matters as part of a zoning order” (ERO #019-2811)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Drainage Act Regulatory Proposal” (ERO #019- 2814)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs on the “Drainage Act Regulatory Proposal” (ERO #019- 2814)

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Proposed Implementation of Provisions in the Planning Act (MZO Minister's Authority)

Conservation Ontario's submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) on the “Proposed implementation of provisions in the Planning Act that provide the Minister enhanced authority to address certain matters as part of a zoning order” (ERO #019-2811).

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Consultation on Growing the Size of the Greenbelt

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on the “Consultation on growing the size of the Greenbelt” (ERO#019-3136).

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Proposed changes to land division provisions (Planning Act)

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) on the “Proposed changes to certain land division provisions in the Planning Act” (ERO #019-3495).

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Toward the Creation of a Canada Water Agency

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to Environment and Climate Change Canada on "Toward the Creation of a Canada Water Agency" Discussion Paper.

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Proposed Changes to MZOs and the Planning Act

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH on the "Proposed changes to Minister's zoning orders and the Planning Act" (ERO# 019-3233).

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Phase 1 Regulatory proposals under the Conservation Authorities Act

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on "Regulatory Proposals (Phase 1) under the Conservation Authorities Act" (ERO#019-2986).

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Proposal to Amend Public Lands Act (O.Reg. 239/13)

Conservation Ontario’s comments submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on the proposal to “Amend Public Lands Act Ontario Regulation 239/13 to remove the 10-day registry waiting period for existing shore land erosion control structures” Regulatory Registry Posting (21-MNRF008)

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Conservation Ontario's Recommendations to the Advisory panel on Climate Change

Conservation Ontario's recommendations submitted to Ontario's Advisory Panel on Climate Change - April 2021

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Fresh Water Sudy Comments (Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the Fresh Water Study submitted to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Draft Canada Great Lakes Strategy for PFOS, PFOA, and LC-PFCAs Risk Management

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to Environment and Climate Change Canada on the DRAFT: Canada's Great Lakes Strategy for PFOS, PFOA, and LC-PFCAs Risk Management.

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Regulatory Proposals under the Endangered Species Act (ERO#019-4278 and #019-4280)

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on two regulatory proposals under the Endangered Species Act, “Amendments to Ontario Regulation 242/08 (General Regulation – Endangered Species Act, 2007) relating to upcoming changes to the Species at Risk in Ontario List” (ERO#019-4280), and “Minister’s Order for temporary suspension of protection upon the listing of Black Ash under the Endangered Species Act” (ERO#019-4278).

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Overview of Indigenous Treaties in Southern Ontario Watersheds

Presentation provided by Gary Pritchard, 4 Directions Conservation Consulting.

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Amendments to Exempt Low Risk Sewage Works from Requiring an Environmental Compliance Approval

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on December 9th, 2021 on the proposed "Amendments to exempt low-risk Sewage Works from Requiring an Environmental Compliance Approval" (ERO#019-4456).

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Moving to a Project List Approach under the Environmental Assessment Act

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) on January 20, 2022 on "Moving towards a project list approach under the Environmental Assessment Act" (ERO#019-4219).

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Proposed Changes to Certain Land Division Provisions in the Planning Act

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) on the "Proposed Changes to Certain Land Division Provisions in the Planning Act" (ERO#019-3495).

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Subwatershed Planning Guide

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on March 11, 2022 on the "Subwatershed Planning Guide" (ERO#019-4978).

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Regulatory and Policy proposals (Phase 2) under the Conservation Authorities Act

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on February 25, 2022 on the "Regulatory and Policy Proposals (Phase 2) under the Conservation Authorities Act" (ERO#019-4610).

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Expanding Administrative Penalties for Environmental Contraventions

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on March 10, 2022 on "Expanding administrative penalties for environmental contraventions" (ERO#019-4108).

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Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Guidance Manual"

Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Guidance Manual" (ERO#019-4971). Submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on March 28, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Guidance Manual"

Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Guidance Manual" (ERO#019-4971). Submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on March 28, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Municipal Wastewater and Stormwater Management in Ontario Discussion Paper"

Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Municipal Wastewater and Stormwater Management in Ontario Discussion Paper" (ERO#019-4967). Submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on March 28, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator - Proposed Guidelines"

Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator - Proposed Guideline" (ERO#019-5285). Submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on April 27, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario's Comments on "Seeking Feedback on Housing Needs in Rural and Northern Municipalities"

Conservation Ontario's comments on "Seeking Feedback on Housing Needs in Rural and Northern Municipalities" (ERO#019-5287). Submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on April 29, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario's Comments on "Opportunities to increase missing middle housing and gentle density, including supports for multigenerational housing"

Conservation Ontario's Comments on "Opportunities to increase missing middle housing and gentle density, including supports for multigenerational housing" (ERO#019-5286). Submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on April 27, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Proposed Planning Act Changes (proposed More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022)"

Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Proposed Planning Act Changes (proposed More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022)" (ERO#019-5284). Submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on April 29, 2022.

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PGMN CA Functions & Responsibilities

This document outlines the purpose of the Groundwater Program and the functions and responsibilities of the Ministry and conservation authorities in delivering the Groundwater Program. These functions and responsibilities are based on current practices in delivering the Groundwater Program. This document provides further information on the functions and responsibilities of conservation authorities associated with providing the mandatory programs and services captured in O. Reg. 686/21: Mandatory Programs and Services, made under the Conservation Authorities Act.

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PWQMN CA Functions & Responsibilities

This document outlines the purpose of the Stream Program and the roles, functions and responsibilities of the Ministry and conservation authorities in delivering the Stream Program. These functions and responsibilities are based on current practices in delivering the Stream Program. This document provides further information on the functions and responsibilities of conservation authorities associated with providing the mandatory programs and services captured in O. Reg. 686/21: Mandatory Programs and Services, made under the Conservation Authorities Act.

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CO DWSP Video Repository 2022

This is a resource list of DWSP video links and podcasts from CAs and municipalities.

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CCVAT Guidance Document

For more information on the Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Drinking Water Source Quality please contact

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The FAQ are questions posed by Users and answers provided by the CCVAT Working Group. For more information please email:

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MECP Technical Bulletin #2-CC SWP Considerations

Source Water Protection Climate Change considerations and criteria to be included in assessments according the the 2021 Director's Technical Rules update. For more information please email:

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PGMN Field Sample Template

Includes pre sample calibration section

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Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Proposed Updates to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System" (ERO#019-6160)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Proposed Updates to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System" (ERO#019-6160) submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on November 24, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Legislative and regulatory proposals affecting Conservation Authorities to support the Housing Supply Action Plan 3.0”

Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Legislative and regulatory proposals affecting Conservation Authorities to support the Housing Supply Action Plan 3.0” (ERO #019-6141)" submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on November 30, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Proposed updates to the regulation of development for the protection of people and property from natural hazards in Ontario" (ERO#019-2927)

Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Proposed updates to the regulation of development for the protection of people and property from natural hazards in Ontario" (ERO#019-2927) submitted to the MNRF on December 15, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario's Comments on "Conserving Ontario's Natural Heritage" (ERO#019-6161)

Conservation Ontario's Comments on "Conserving Ontario's Natural Heritage" (ERO#019-6161) submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on December 16th, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Review of A Place to Grow and Provincial Policy Statement" (ERO#019-6177)

Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Review of A Place to Grow and Provincial Policy Statement" (ERO#019-6177) submitted the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on December 19, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Proposed Planning Act and City of Toronto Act Changes (ERO #019- 6163) and “Proposed Changes to Ontario Regulation 299/19: Additional Residential Units” (ERO #019-6197)

Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Proposed Planning Act and City of Toronto Act Changes (Schedules 9 and 1 of Bill 23 – the proposed More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022) (ERO #019- 6163) and “Proposed Changes to Ontario Regulation 299/19: Additional Residential Units” (ERO #019-6197). Submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on December 1, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario's Submission on "Proposed Planning Act, City of Toronto Act, 2006, and Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Act Changes (Schedules 2, 4, and 6 of Bill 97 – the proposed Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023)” (ERO #019

Conservation Ontario's Submission on "Proposed Planning Act, City of Toronto Act, 2006, and Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Act Changes (Schedules 2, 4, and 6 of Bill 97 – the proposed Helping Homebuyers, Protecting Tenants Act, 2023)” (ERO #019-6821). Submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on May 5, 2023.

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Conservation Ontario’s Submission on “Moving to a project list approach under the Environmental Assessment Act” (March 2023 Update) (ERO#019-4219)

Conservation Ontario’s Submission on “Moving to a project list approach under the Environmental Assessment Act” (March 2023 Update) (ERO#019-4219). Submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks on May 9, 2023.

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Conservation Ontario's Comments on the “Proposed changes to the Aggregate Resources Act, Ontario Regulation 244/97 to expand self-filing activities and a new policy regarding amendments to existing aggregate approvals”

Conservation Ontario's comments on the “Proposed changes to the Aggregate Resources Act, Ontario Regulation 244/97 to expand self-filing activities and a new policy regarding amendments to existing aggregate approvals”. Submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on July 12, 2023.

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Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Review of proposed policies adapted from A Place to Grow and Provincial policy Statement to form a new provincial planning policy instrument"

Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Review of proposed policies adapted from A Place to Grow and Provincial policy Statement to form a new provincial planning policy instrument". Submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on June 27, 2023.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Site Plan for Residential Developments of 10 or Fewer Units – Two Proposed new Minister’s Regulations under the Planning Act and the City of Toronto Act, 2006”

Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Site Plan for Residential Developments of 10 or Fewer Units – Two Proposed new Minister’s Regulations under the Planning Act and the City of Toronto Act, 2006”. Submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on May 18, 2023.

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on “Streamlining environmental permissions for stormwater management under the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry” (ERO#019-6928)

Conservation Ontario’s comments on “Streamlining environmental permissions for stormwater management under the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry”. Submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) on October 30, 2023.

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on “Streamlining permissions for water takings for construction site dewatering activities and foundation drains” (ERO#019-6853)

Conservation Ontario’s comments on “Streamlining permissions for water takings for construction site dewatering activities and foundation drains”. Submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on October 30, 2023.

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Conservation Ontario's Comments on "Proposed amendments to the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act” (ERO# 019-7696)

Conservation Ontario's final comments on the"Proposed amendments to the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act” (ERO# 019-7696). Submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) on November 30, 2023.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Proposal to return lands to the Greenbelt - Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 and the “New Act regarding the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve easements and covenants”

Conservation Ontario’s final comments on the “Proposal to return lands to the Greenbelt - Greenbelt Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 (ERO #019-7739) and the “New Act regarding the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve easements and covenants” (ERO #019-7735). Submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on November 30, 2023.

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Proposed regulatory amendments to encourage greater reuse of excess soil” (ERO#019-7636)

Conservation Ontario’s final comments on the “Proposed regulatory amendments to encourage greater reuse of excess soil” (ERO#019-7636). Submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on November 30, 2023.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Technical Bulletin - Flooding Hazards: Data Survey and Mapping Specifications”

Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Technical Bulletin - Flooding Hazards: Data Survey and Mapping Specifications” (ERO# 019-4706). Submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) on September 5, 2023.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments: Bill 185 and Associated ERO Proposals

Conservation Ontario’s comments submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) on legislative and regulatory changes as part of Bill 185, the proposed Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024. These comments respond to ERO#019-8366, ERO#019-8369, and ERO#019-8370. Submitted May 10, 2024.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments: Proposed Policies for a New Provincial Planning Statement

Conservation Ontario’s comments submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) on the “Review of proposed policies for a new provincial planning policy statement” (ERO#019-8462). Submitted May 10, 2024.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments: Minister’s Permit and Review Powers

Conservation Ontario’s comments submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on the “Regulation detailing new Minister’s Permit and Review powers under the Conservation Authorities Act” (ERO#019-8320). Submitted May 6, 2024.

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Conservation Ontario's Submission to Standing Committee: Bill 185

Conservation Ontario's written submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs on Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024. Submitted May 15, 2024.

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