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The Ripple Effect: The Role of Ontario’s Conservation Authorities in Protecting Source Water

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Uploaded: Mar 14 2017

Modified: Oct 20 2017

Description: This captivating 15-minute DVD is available in both English and French. Using cinematography and animated graphics, The Ripple Effect covers many Source Water Protection topics in general terms, including: where our drinking water comes from, what happens to water before it gets to our taps, the origins of source water protection in Ontario, the multi-barrier approach to protecting source water, and how Conservation Authorities are involved in source water protection planning in communities across Ontario. This DVD is aimed at mature audiences, but is also appropriate for high school and late-elementary school students. It is an excellent introductory piece for education forums, open houses and information sessions with interested stakeholders and members of your community. If you are interested in receiving a DVD, please contact: Jayme Crittenden 120 Bayview Parkway, Box 11 Newmarket Ontario, L3Y 4W3 905-895-0716 ext. 233 jcrittenden@conservationontario.ca

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