Great Lakes

Conservation Ontario Comments: Draft Canada Great Lakes Strategy for PFOS, PFOA, and LC-PFCAs Risk Management

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to Environment and Climate Change Canada on the DRAFT: Canada's Great Lakes Strategy for PFOS, PFOA, and LC-PFCAs Risk Management.

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Toward the Creation of a Canada Water Agency

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to Environment and Climate Change Canada on "Toward the Creation of a Canada Water Agency" Discussion Paper.

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Proposed new Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health” (ERO#019-0198)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and Environment and Climate Change Canada on the “Proposed new Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health” (ERO#019-0198).

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CO Comments on Healthy Great Lakes Discussion Paper

CO's comments on the Ministry of the Environment’s Discussion Paper: Healthy Great Lakes, Strong Ontario. Talking with Ontarians about Protecting, Restoring, Using and Enjoying the Great Lakes (EBR #010-6105).

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CO's Submission on Negotiations to Amend the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement – Sept 20, 2011

CO's submission on negotiations to amend the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (Sept 20, 2011).

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CO's Comments on the extension of the Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem

CO comments on the Ministry of the Environment's proposal to extend of the 2007 Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem (EBR #010-9068).

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CO’s Support for the IJC's Proposed Coordinated Adaptive Management Approach

CO sent a letter to the International Joint Commission (IJC) offering its support for the development of a water quantity advisory board that would advise the IJC and its Boards of Control regarding adaptively managing for extremes in levels and flow fluctuations and applauding the IJC for its leadership in advancing the state of knowledge of adaptive management.

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CO Comments on IJC proposed Approach to Managing levels and flows in the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River system

CO comments on the International Joint Commission’s (IJC) proposed new Approach to Managing levels and flows in the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River system " Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River:A New Path Forward.

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CO Comments on Ontario's Draft Great Lakes Strategy

CO comments on Ontario’s Draft Great Lakes Strategy (EBR Registry # 011-6418). Overall, CO is very supportive of the Province’s initiative to protect the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Basin. In determining our ongoing and future role, CO’s review of the Strategy is particularly focused on the future actions to meet the Strategy's 6 Goals with regard to where the greatest opportunities lie and where there may be gaps.

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CO Comments on Bill 100, An Act to Protect and Restore the Great Lakes St. Lawrence River Basin

Conservation Ontario Comments on Bill 100, An Act To Protect And Restore The Great Lakes St. Lawrence River Basin (EBR Registry # 011-6461). CO supports the purpose of the Act which is to protect and restore the ecological health of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence River Basin, and to create opportunities for individuals and communities to become involved in its protection and restoration.

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CO Comments on Draft Adaptive Management Plan for Addressing Extreme Water Levels in Great Lakes

CO reviewed the IJC Adaptive Management Task team's Draft “Building Collaboration Across the Great Lakes –St. Lawrence River System, An Adaptive Management Plan for Addressing Extreme Water Levels "to all CAs. CO provided general comments on the Adaptive Management Plan and detailed how CAs could contribute to its implementation.

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CO Expresses Support for Final Adaptive Management Plan for Addressing Extreme Water Levels in Great Lakes

CO wrote to the IJC Commissioners to express support for the final version of the Adaptive Management Plan for Addressing Extreme Water Levels “Building Collaboration Across the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence River System” proposed by the IJC Task Team and submitted to the IJC May 31 , 2013.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on The International Joint Commission’s Report: Lake Erie Ecosystem Priority (LEEP): Scientific Findings and Policy Recommendations to Reduce Nutrient Loadings and Harmful Algal Blooms.

CO commends the International Joint Commission (IJC) on the completion of a useful report summarizing the key issues facing Lake Erie with respect to phosphorus enrichment. CO’s general and specific comments are provided to support the recommendations and provide suggestions to improve the overall clarity of the Lake erie Ecosystem Priority (LEEP) report.Conservation Authorities look forward to continuing to partner with government and other organizations to implement actions consistent with these recommendations such as monitoring phosphorus sources and connections to the Great Lakes and implementing best management practices appropriate for sub-watersheds conditions.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on the Great Lakes Nearshore Framework

Conservation Ontario’s submission on the Great Lakes Nearshore Framework. The scope of the Framework covers the nearshore waters and embayments along the coasts of the Great Lakes, the lakes’ connecting river systems and the international section of the St. Lawrence River. Overall, the coordinated comments submitted by Conservation Ontario are supportive of the nearshore framework recognizing that it will be modified based on lessons learned from the pilot testing proposed for 2016-2017.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Waukesha Water Diversion Application

Conservation Ontario’s comments submitted March 14, 2016 on the Waukesha Water Diversion Application.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Groundwater Science Relevant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A Status Report

Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Groundwater Science Relevant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A Status Report” prepared by the Annex 8 subcommittee- submitted January 31, 2016.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Bill 66: Proposed Great Lakes Protection Act” (EBR #012-3523)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change's "Bill 66: Proposed Great Lakes Protection Act" (EBR #012-3523)

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Conservation Ontario’s support for the International Joint Commission’s Plan 2014 for Lake Ontario St. Lawrence River Water Level Regulation

CO’s letter of support to Minister John Baird for the International Joint Commission’s Plan 2014 for Lake Ontario St. Lawrence River Water Level Regulation

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Great Lakes Water Quality Presentation to the Federal Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainability

Conservation Ontario’s presentation to the Federal Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainability addresses questions raised by the Standing Committee in their examination of Great Lakes Water Quality. The presentation outlines, 4 key areas (priority locations) in the Great Lakes Basin where progress can be made to improve Great Lakes water quality; efforts that are currently underway or planned for remediation, and, best practices that will facilitate further remediation of areas of environmental concern within the Great Lakes Basin.

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Integrated Watershed management Navigating Ontario’s Future

This summary document is part of a shared undertaking between Conservation Ontario (representing Ontario’s 36 Conservation Authorities), the Ontario Ministries of Natural Resources and Environment and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada to explore jointly our understanding of IWM in Ontario, assess it against other IWM work occurring globally and nationally to identify gaps, and recommend strategic shifts needed to address the identified gaps in working towards a Provincial Integrated Watershed Management Framework. - Integrated Watershed Management

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Low Impact Development Discussion Paper

The Low Impact Development Discussion Paper is intended to raise awareness and stimulate a dialogue on the challenges associated with current stormwater management (SWM) practices in Ontario, identify the benefits of Low Impact Development (LID) and act as a roadmap for broad scale implementation of LID across Ontario. LID techniques offer an effective and affordable option to mitigate the environmental impacts of urbanization, while offering beneficial outcomes to developers, municipalities and the public. Moving forward, Credit Valley (CVC), Toronto and Region (TRCA) and Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authorities (LSRCA) propose to work with the Province, area municipalities and the development community to help overcome the existing challenges related to wide-scale application of LID in Ontario.

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CO Submission on the Lake Ontario St. Lawrence River Plan 2014

CO submitted comments on the International Joint Commission's 2014 Plan for managing Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River water levels and flows.CO is supportive of a balanced plan for regulating outflows from Lake Ontario though the St. Lawrence that allows more natural water levels to support coastal wetlands while continuing to provide protection from extreme high and low water levels. In addition CO provided the IJC with information on the CA approach to flood management in Ontario in the interest of transferring lessons learned to Lake Ontario’s south shore.

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