Natural Hazards and Flood Management

Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Technical Bulletin - Flooding Hazards: Data Survey and Mapping Specifications”

Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Technical Bulletin - Flooding Hazards: Data Survey and Mapping Specifications” (ERO# 019-4706). Submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) on September 5, 2023.

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Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Proposed updates to the regulation of development for the protection of people and property from natural hazards in Ontario" (ERO#019-2927)

Conservation Ontario's Comments on the "Proposed updates to the regulation of development for the protection of people and property from natural hazards in Ontario" (ERO#019-2927) submitted to the MNRF on December 15, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Expanding Administrative Penalties for Environmental Contraventions

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on March 10, 2022 on "Expanding administrative penalties for environmental contraventions" (ERO#019-4108).

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Conservation Ontario Comments: Proposal to Amend Public Lands Act (O.Reg. 239/13)

Conservation Ontario’s comments submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on the proposal to “Amend Public Lands Act Ontario Regulation 239/13 to remove the 10-day registry waiting period for existing shore land erosion control structures” Regulatory Registry Posting (21-MNRF008)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Proposal to amend Ontario Regulation 454/96 (Construction) to provide alternative regulatory approval requirements for repairs to existing low hazard wetland dams” (ERO#019-1060)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on the “Proposal to amend Ontario Regulation 454/96 (Construction) to provide alternative regulatory approval requirements for repairs to existing low hazard wetland dams” (ERO#019-1060)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the Federal Infrastructure Plan - Phase 2

Conservation Ontario’s submission on the Federal Infrastructure Plan – Phase 2. Conservation Ontario's comments encouraged the Federal Government to continue and consider making future investments in Conservation Authority green and grey infrastructure and related programs and services, to use an Integrated Watershed Planning and Management framework to base decisions on infrastructure investments, and to recognize that Conservation Authorities are ready to assist in the development of a comprehensive infrastructure action plan to better predict, prepare for and respond to weather related emergencies and natural disasters.

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Approaches to manage regulatory event flow increase resulting from urban development

The Approaches to Manage Regulatory Event Flow Increase Resulting From Urban Development document provides guidance on approaches to address increases in regulatory flood risk as a result of ongoing and proposed urban development.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on “Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin” (EBR 012-5093)

Conservation Ontario's submission to MNRF on "Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin" (EBR 012-5093). On September 15, 2015 the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), introduced a draft LRIA Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin to update the original 2006 document. As stated on the Environmental Registry, the Section 16 Technical Bulletin applies to alterations, improvements and repairs to existing dams and is part of MNRF's continued commitment to modernize and improve provincial requirements for the design, construction and management of dams.

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MNRF-CO Cooperative Agreement for the Hydrometric Network in Ontario

This agreement between Conservation Ontario and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) formalizes the relationship between Conservation Authorities (CA), MNRF, and Water Survey of Canada in the hydrometric network in Ontario and gives CAs an opportunity to enter into an agreement to actively participate in the operation and maintenance of stream gauging stations in Ontario. The rules and process for a CA to enter into an agreement with the MNRF for this network are outlined in this document.

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Conservation Ontario(CO)’s comments on the proposed updates to provincial requirements for the location and management of dams under the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act (EBR # 012-0562)

CO provided comments on the MNR’s four new technical bulletins to implement the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act (LRIA). These bulletins establish construction and operation requirements for dams and requirements for location approval, operating plans, plan implementation and plan amendments. CO’s comments supported the overall direction in the guidance documents and offered feedback for enhancing them. In particular, CO was supportive of the proposal to allow third parties to request a review of operating and water management plans. However, CO stressed that it is important that recreational river uses do not compromise public safety and security of water supply for the river. CO also expressed concern about the elimination of the requirement for Standing Advisory Committees (SACs) and suggested that criteria be established to determine when SACS should be required.

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Dodging the ‘Perfect Storm’ Conservation Ontario’s Business Case for Strategic Reinvestment in Ontario’s Flood Management Programs, Services, and Structures

Dodging the ‘Perfect Storm’ Conservation Ontario’s Business Case for Strategic Reinvestment in Ontario’s Flood Management Programs, Services, and Structures - Flooding - Integrated Watershed Management - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations

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Protecting People and Property: A Business CaseFor Investing In Flood Prevention & Control

PROTECTING PEOPLE AND PROPERTY A Business Case For Investing In Flood Prevention & Control - Flooding - Integrated Watershed Management - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations

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CO comments on MNR's Draft Policies and Procedures for CA Plan Review and Permitting Activities

CO comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)'s Policies and Procedures for CA Plan Review and Permitting Activities (EBR#010-8243). In general, CO expressed support for the creation of this chapter of the Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR) Policies and Procedures Manual. - Flooding - Integrated Watershed Management - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations

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CO Comments on Amendments to Ontario Regulation 97/04 of the Conservation Authorities Act (1990)

CO comments on the proposed amendments to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)'s O.Reg 97/04 made under the Conservation Authorities Act (EBR #011-0884). - Flooding - Integrated Watershed Management - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations

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CO Comments on Annex 2: Integrated Approach to Flood Mitigation in Canada, Sub-Component of the National Disaster Mitigation Strategy

CO comments on “Annex 2: Integrated Approach to Flood Mitigation in Canada, Sub-Component of the National Disaster Mitigation Strategy”. CO welcomes the development of a national level strategy to address disaster mitigation and applauds the team’s efforts to date in this regard. - Flooding - Integrated Watershed Management - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations

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Addressing Urbanization and the Regulatory Flood Hazard

CO Council passed a resolution to request that the Ministry of Natural Resources initiate appropriate steps, in conjunction with Conservation Authorities, municipalities and other key stakeholders to develop a feasible and cost-effective solution to address the issue of urbanization and its potential to increase flood hazards. - Flooding - Integrated Watershed Management - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations

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Further Action to Address Urbanization and Regulatory Flood Hazard

CO correspondence with MNR concerning a review of the MNR technical guidance to support Section 28 CA approvals. - Flooding - Integrated Watershed Management - Conservation Authorities Act - Section 28 Regulations

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