Source Water Protection - General

CO DWSP Video Repository 2022

This is a resource list of DWSP video links and podcasts from CAs and municipalities.

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the Proposal to require municipal support for new or increased bottled water takings (ERO #019-2422) and Schedule 18 of Bill 213

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the “Proposal to require municipal support for new or increased bottled water takings” (ERO #019-2422) and Schedule 18 of Bill 213, Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020

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Walkerton Inquiry

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Well Aware

A guide to caring for your well and protecting your family's health. The Well Aware Booklet, produced by the Green Communities Association in partnership with the Ontario Ground Water Association, was designed to provide information to homeowners and businesses on how to protect their well. It also provide the public with a better understanding of well water quality issues and how to address them. To get your free copy of the Well Aware Booklet, please contact the Ontario Ground Water Association.

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Protecting Water For Ontario

AMO Brochure: Protecting Water For Ontario

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Everyone Lives Downstream

Everyone Lives Downstream: Working Together To Ensure Safe and Plentiful Drinking Water Resources

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Proposed Amendments to the Technical Rules under the Clean Water Act” (EBR# 012-8507)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MOECC on the “Proposed Amendment to the Director’s Technical Rules made under Section 107 of the Clean Water Act, 2006” (EBR# 012-8507). The coordinated comments acknowledge the anticipated positive impact of most of the proposed amendments. It is recommended to retain vulnerability scoring for significant groundwater recharge areas, to address non-point sources of pollution, and to revise the circumstances that influence if certain activities are significant-level threats to ensure protection to drinking water sources.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Updates to Ontario’s Drinking Water Quality Standards and other Regulations of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002” (EBR# 012-8244)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MOECC on “Updates to Ontario’s Drinking Water Quality Standards and other regulations of the Safe Drinking Act, 2002” (EBR# 012-8244). The coordinated comments acknowledge the positive impacts of the new proposed standards; suggest adapting a standard for a blue green algae related parameter; caution against the removal of Adverse Water Quality Incident reports for pesticides below the proposed 100 ng/L; and recommend that drinking water source protection be included in operators training.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Proposed Permit to Take Water Moratorium” (EBR# 012-8783)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MOECC on “A Regulation establishing a moratorium on the issuance of new or increasing permits to take water for water bottling” (EBR# 012-8783). The coordinated comments encourage the Province to broaden the scope of the proposed moratorium; and consider Low Water Response programs, Clean Water Act water budget studies, surface water-groundwater interactions, and partnering with local Conservation Authorities in proposed research towards water resource management.

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Conservation Ontario‘s Comments on Regulation 903 (Wells) Legislative and Regulatory Framework Review

Conservation Ontario's comments on Regulation 903 (Wells) Legislative and Regulatory Framework Review. Regulation 903 (Wells), made under the Ontario Water Resources Act, is the regulation that governs the construction, maintenance, and decommissioning of water wells in Ontario.

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CO Comments on Draft Drinking Water Source Protection Act

CO Comments on Draft Drinking Water Source Protection Act (EBR# AA04E0002).

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CO comments on the Proposal Paper: Stewardship - Leadership - Accountability: Safeguarding and Sustaining Ontario's Water Resources for Future Generations

CO provided comment on the Province’s "Proposal Paper: Stewardship - Leadership - Accountability: Safeguarding and Sustaining Ontario's Water Resources for Future Generations(EBR 010- 6350). - Stewardship - Clean Water Act - Water

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CO input to the Drinking Water Stewardship Program Consultations

CO provided an update on Conservation Authority activity and achievements with respect to the Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program (ODWSP) to date and comments as part of the province-wide consultation undertaken by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) for purposes of informing the future of the program to 2011. - Clean Water Act - Integrated Watershed Management

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The Ripple Effect: The Role of Ontario’s Conservation Authorities in Protecting Source Water

This captivating 15-minute DVD is available in both English and French. Using cinematography and animated graphics, The Ripple Effect covers many Source Water Protection topics in general terms, including: where our drinking water comes from, what happens to water before it gets to our taps, the origins of source water protection in Ontario, the multi-barrier approach to protecting source water, and how Conservation Authorities are involved in source water protection planning in communities across Ontario. This DVD is aimed at mature audiences, but is also appropriate for high school and late-elementary school students. It is an excellent introductory piece for education forums, open houses and information sessions with interested stakeholders and members of your community. If you are interested in receiving a DVD, please contact: Jayme Crittenden 120 Bayview Parkway, Box 11 Newmarket Ontario, L3Y 4W3 905-895-0716 ext. 233

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Ten Years After Walkerton: What Have We Learned?

(Municipal World Magazine) (C.Worte, Conservation Ontario, 2010)

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A Fine Balance

A Fine Balance (Water Canada) (Nicole Barbato, Conservation Ontario, 2011) Download More Details

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MOE Products

MOE Fact Sheets can be found in both English and French on the MOE Website: -Preparing and Implementing Source Protection Plans -Roles and Responsibilities -Facts on the Clean Water Act

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