Green Energy

Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Amendments to the Technical Guide to Renewable Energy Approvals (EBR# 012-7600)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MOECC on the “Amendments to the Technical Guide to Renewable Energy Approvals” (EBR# 012-7600). Conservation Ontario’s comments were supportive of the amendments to the Technical Guide which recognize the regulatory authority of Conservation Authorities, including their role in managing development in natural hazard areas, and were also supportive of the amendments for proponents to consult Conservation Authorities at an early stage in the REA application process. It was recommended that proponents must have written confirmation from the local Conservation Authority to obtain an amendment to a REA and that Stormwater Management Plans and Erosion and Sediment Plans should address both surface and groundwater impacts.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Discussion Paper: Enhancements to the FIT Program”

Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Discussion Paper: Enhancements to the FIT Program". Under the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Program, the FIT program is for renewable energy projects generating 10 kilowatts or more, and is part of the Province's renewable energy strategy.

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CO Comments on Proposed Waterpower and Windpower Site Release Policies and Procedures

CO comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ waterpower and windpower site release policies and procedures (EBR #010-7895). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on Ministry of the Environment's Proposed Regulations to Implement the Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009

CO comments on the Ministry of Environment’s Proposed Regulations to Implement the Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009, (EBR #010-6516). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on Draft Approval and Permitting Requirements for Renewable Energy Projects

CO comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Draft Approval and Permitting Requirements Document for Renewable Energy Projects (EBR #010-6708). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on Proposed Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009

CO comments on comment on Bill 150, the proposed “Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009” (EBR#010-6017). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on Proposed Amendments to O.Reg 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals)

CO comments on the Ministry of the Environment (MOE)'s proposed amendments to the Renewable Energy Approval (REA) Regulation (O.Reg 359/09) under the Environmental Protection Act (EBR #011-0181). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on the Review of the waterpower and windpower site release policies and procedures

CO comments regarding the Ministry of Natural Resources’ revised waterpower and windpower site release policies and procedures (EBR #010-7895). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on Renewable Energy Approval Technical Guidance

CO comments on Renewable Energy Approval Technical Guidance Bulletins (EBR #010-9235). These bulletins are intended to provide more detailed guidance around O.Reg 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals under Part V.0.1) under the Environmental Protection Act to support the implementation of the Green Energy Act. - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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Amendment to Conservation Ontario comments re. Renewable Energy Approval Technical Guidance Bulletins (EBR #010-9235)

Amendment to Conservation Ontario comments re. Renewable Energy Approval Technical Guidance Bulletins (EBR #010-9235). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on Offshore Windpower: Consideration of Additional Areas to be Removed from Future Development

CO comments focus on discussing where, when and how the Province should make Crown land available for offshore wind projects (EBR #011-0907). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on Off-Shore Wind Facilities Renewable Energy Approval Requirements Discussion Paper

CO comments on the Ministry of Environment's Discussion paper "Renewable Energy Approval Requirements for Off-shore Wind Facilities - An Overview of the Proposed Approach" (EBR #011-0089). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO's Comments on Renewable Energy Approval Guidance for Preparing the Water Assessment and Water Body Reports

CO's comments on the Ministry of the Environment’s Renewable Energy Approvals Technical Bulletin - Guidance for Preparing the Water Assessment and Water Body Reports ( posted for public comment on the Environmental Registry (EBR #011-1962)). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO’s Comments on Draft microFIT Rules and Contract

CO’s comments on Draft microFIT Rules and Contract. CO is concerned that Conservation Authorities are being told that they are an important partner in the green economy and yet barriers to effective partnership, such as ineligibility, are being kept in place. - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Amendments to O. Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals under Part V.0.1 of the Act), Reg. 334

CO initial comments on the Ministry of the Environment’s “Amendments to O.Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals under Part V.0.1 of the Act), Reg. 334 (General) and the Technical Guide to Renewable Energy Approvals”. Conservation Ontario commends the Ministry of the Environment for encouraging proponents to proactively engage Conservation Authorities throughout the regulatory process. - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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Conservation Ontario Comments on Additional Amendments to O. Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals

CO comments on Ministry of the Environment's proposed Additional Amendments to O. Reg. 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals under Part V.0.1 of the Environmental Protection Act) (EBR #011?6509). Although supportive of the green energy agenda, CO expressed concern with the proposed amendments. - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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CO Comments on the Draft “Renewable Energy on Crown Land Policy”

CO comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ draft “Renewable Energy on Crown Land Policy” (EBR # 011-6005). - Green Economy - Solar Power - Wind Power - Hydropower - Green Energy Act

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