Aquatics and Fisheries

Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Regulation of invasive species under the Ontario Invasive Species Act, 2015” (EBR# 012-8310)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MNRF on “Regulation of invasive species under the Ontario Invasive Species Act, 2015” (EBR# 012-8310). On September 8, 2016, MNRF posted a regulation proposal to classify the 16 species identified on the Conference of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers “Least Wanted Aquatic Invasive Species List” and all species in the Channidae family as prohibited, and classify Phragmites, Dog Strangling Vine and Japanese Knotweed as restricted species under the Invasive Species Act, 2015. Conservation Ontario’s comments focused on classifying more species as restricted or prohibited under the Invasive Species Act, 2015, not issuing orders by an inspector to force the control, removal or eradication of Phragmites until there is a safe and effective mechanism that does not threaten surface and groundwater, and providing funding support or compensation as incentives for private and public landowners to control and/or remove invasive species on their property. On November 4, 2016, MNRF made a decision to proceed with the regulation proposal as described, subject to some changes as a result of public consultation.

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Conservation Ontario’s Input into the Review of the Fisheries Act

Conservation Ontario is participating in the provincial consultation on the review of the Federal Fisheries Act by submitting a letter raising concerns about letters of credit for offsetting projects where the purpose of the project is focused on habitat restoration and the work is being undertaken by a public agency. It is anticipated that Phase Two of the consultation on the Fisheries Act will be released in spring 2017 and will include Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s staff proposals to address concerns raised in Phase One of the review.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Regulations prescribing certain short term water takings as Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) activities (EBR#012-0580)

Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Regulations prescribing certain short term water takings as Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) activities” (EBR#012-0580) - submitted to MOECC on January 13, 2016. On November 20, 2015 the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) posted “Regulations prescribing certain short term water takings as Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) activities” to the Environmental Registry to seek feedback on proposed draft regulations for short term, non-recurring water taking activities.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Waukesha Water Diversion Application

Conservation Ontario’s comments submitted March 14, 2016 on the Waukesha Water Diversion Application.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Groundwater Science Relevant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A Status Report

Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Groundwater Science Relevant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: A Status Report” prepared by the Annex 8 subcommittee - submitted January 31, 2016.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on “Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin” (EBR 012-5093)

Conservation Ontario's submission to MNRF on "Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin" (EBR 012-5093). On September 15, 2015 the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), introduced a draft LRIA Administration of Section 16: Alterations, Improvements and Repairs to Existing Dams Technical Bulletin to update the original 2006 document. As stated on the Environmental Registry, the Section 16 Technical Bulletin applies to alterations, improvements and repairs to existing dams and is part of MNRF's continued commitment to modernize and improve provincial requirements for the design, construction and management of dams.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Technical Paper on the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry and Short-Term Water Takings” (EBR #012-0580)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change's "Technical Paper on the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry and Short-Term Water Takings" (EBR #012-0580). By means of this Technical Paper, MOECC is consulting on additional activities which could be subject to the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) with the focus on short-term, non-recurring water taking activities.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Provincial Bait Policy Review – Angler Use and Movement of Baitfish in Ontario” (EBR#012-2836)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Provincial Bait Policy Review – Angler Use and Movement of Baitfish in Ontario" (EBR#012-2836). Angler Use and Movement of Baitfish in Ontario is the first area to be addressed through policy review by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry as part of a comprehensive review of provincial bait policies to help improve the management of bait.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Bill 66: Proposed Great Lakes Protection Act” (EBR #012-3523)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change's "Bill 66: Proposed Great Lakes Protection Act" (EBR #012-3523)

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MOU between Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Conservation Ontario for Cooperation for Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Protection in Ontario

The CO-DFO MOU acknowledges that DFO and CAs have respective responsibilities for regulatory reviews and approvals and aquatic resource protection, and will work together to develop a collaborative approach to fisheries and aquatic resource protection that is consistent in Ontario. The proposed MOU will help to ensure clear communication to the development and conservation communities, resulting in improved public service.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the Provincial Fish Strategy for Ontario (EBR #012-0291)

CO’s Comments on the “Provincial Fish Strategy for Ontario” wherein the Ministry of Natural Resources is proposing a strategy which will provide an overarching framework to inform MNR’s fish policy development, planning and decision making, as well as to prioritize MNR efforts and coordinate activities for fisheries management. Overall CO was supportive of the main goals, objectives and tactics that were identified within the strategy although it was recommended that the province place greater emphasis on integrating watershed based management of fish into the strategy.

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CO Comments on Draft Watershed based Fisheries Management Plan (WBFiMP) Guideline

CO Comments on Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR) draft Watershed based Fisheries Management Plan (WBFiMP) Guideline. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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Interim Protocol for the Review of Development Proposals that affect Aquatic Species at Risk in Ontario 2009

CO comments on the draft Interim Protocol for the Review of Development Proposals that affect Aquatic Species at Risk in Ontario 2009 developed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR). - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on Application, Review and Decision Guidelines for Cage Aquaculture Sites in Ontario

CO comments on the Province’s proposed guidelines and decision support tool to coordinate the federal/provincial information requirements and approval processes associated with cage aquaculture licence and site applications in Ontario, which were posted for public comment on the Environmental Registry (EBR #010-0081). These guidelines are associate with the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (FWCA) and Regulations (EBR #010-0081). - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on Redside Dace Habitat Regulations

CO Comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) draft habitat regulation for Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus) under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA). - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on Updated Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (OWES) Manuals

CO provided detailed comments on the proposed Updated Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (OWES) Manuals (EBR# 011-1687). - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Letter to DFO Deputy Minister Re: Conservation Authority Engagement to Support Conservation of Fish Habitat

As part of the 2013 Economic Action Plan, the federal government recently proposed to provide 10 million dollars over two years to support partnerships with local groups to implement a variety of projects that would improve the conservation of fisheries habitat. CO requested that eligible projects should be identified in a fisheries management plan and/or watershed plan to ensure that funds are used in the most effective way possible. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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Conservation Ontario Comments on the Interim Protocol for Review of Project Proposals that may affect Aquatic Species at Risk in Ontario

CO Comments on the “Interim Protocol for the Review of Project Proposals that may affect Aquatic Species at Risk in Ontario 2011” (EBR # 011-5661).The development of a harmonized approach to the review and approval of proposed development projects under the Fisheries Act, Species at Risk Act (SARA) and the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA 2007) is supported. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on Proposed Tougher Measures to Prevent Asian Carp Invasion

CO comments on the provincial policy paper entitled "Protecting Ontario’s Fisheries: Discussion Paper on Tougher Measures to Prevent an Asian Carp Invasion”. This paper was produced by the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and posted on the Environmental Registry ( EBR #011-7849) for public comment January 2013. Conservation Ontario is strongly in favour of preventing Asian Carp access to the Great Lakes and their watersheds and supports increased efforts to achieve this objective. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on DFO's Intent to Regulate Aquatic Invasive Species 2013

CO comments on Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) Intent to Regulate Aquatic Invasive Species Consultation Document. Overall, Conservation Authorities are highly supportive of the federal regulatory proposal to manage aquatic invasive species (AIS). These comments provide additional feedback on the key elements of the proposed regulation. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO’s Comments on Proposed New Regulations for Sec 35 of the Fisheries Act:Timing and Information Requirements

CO comments regarding the proposed Application for Authorization under Paragraph 35(2)(b) of the Fisheries Act Regulations published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on April 13, 2013. While CO, was in principle, supportive of the proposed regulations, several key elements were identified that lack clarity. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on Science Advice to Support Development of a Fisheries Protection Policy for Canada

CO comments on the Science Advisory Report (SAR) produced by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) entitled “Science Advice to Support Development of a Fisheries Protection Policy for Canada.” Based on a preliminary review, CO offers comments that mainly focus on highlighting the specific areas where further science advice will be necessary to implement the Fisheries Protection Policy. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on Implementing the New Provisions Under the Fisheries Act

CO comments on the discussion paper produced by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) entitled “Implementing the New Fisheries Protection Provisions under the Fisheries Act.” CO expressed strong reservations about several elements in the paper including the feasibility of developing all the implementation guidance tools and clarification necessary for transition to implementation of New Fisheries Protection Provisions under the Fisheries Act by the proposed July 1st deadline and expressed a willingness to engage with DFO to develop guidance by an extended fall 2013 deadline. - Natural Heritage - Fish - Aquatic Resources - Species at Risk - Fisheries Act

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