Natural Heritage/Biodiversity

Conservation Ontario's Comments on "Conserving Ontario's Natural Heritage" (ERO#019-6161)

Conservation Ontario's Comments on "Conserving Ontario's Natural Heritage" (ERO#019-6161) submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on December 16th, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Proposed Updates to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System" (ERO#019-6160)

Conservation Ontario's comments on the "Proposed Updates to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System" (ERO#019-6160) submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry on November 24, 2022.

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the Ontario Professional Foresters Association’s Review of the Professional Foresters Act, 2000

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ontario Professional Foresters Association on their scoped review of the Professional Foresters Act, 2000 and its regulation.

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Conservation Ontario’s comments on the Proposed Species at Risk Conservation Fund and Additional Streamlined Authorizations (ERO#019-2636)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on “A proposal under the Endangered Species Act to enable use of the Species at Risk Conservation Fund and to streamline authorizations for certain activities that impact species at risk, while maintaining protections for species at risk” (ERO#019-2636)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act: Proposed Changes” (ERO#013-5033)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the “10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act: Proposed Changes” (ERO#013-5033)

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act: Discussion Paper” (ERO#013-4143)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks on the “10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act: Discussion Paper” (ERO#013-4143).

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Development of integrated Natural Heritage Systems Plans by Conservation Authorities 3

CO letter to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the development of integrated Natural Heritage Systems Plans by Conservation Authorities.

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Development of integrated Natural Heritage Systems Plans by Conservation Authorities 2

CO letter to the Minister of the Energy and Infrastructure regarding the development of integrated Natural Heritage Systems Plans by Conservation Authorities.

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Development of integrated Natural Heritage Systems Plans by Conservation Authorities 1

CO letter to the Minister of the Environment regarding the development of integrated Natural Heritage Systems Plans by Conservation Authorities.

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CO support for the Natural Infrastructure Collaborative of Ontario

CO letter of support to the Natural Infrastructure Collaborative of Ontario.

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CO comments regarding the draft Forest Management Guide for Conserving Biodiversity at the Stand and Site Scales

CO comments on the e Ministry of Natural Resources' Environmental Bill of Rights Registry posting of the draft Forest Management Guide for Conserving Biodiversity at the Stand and Site Scales (EBR #010-5218)

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CO comments regarding the draft Forest Management Guide for Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Forest Landscapes

CO comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources' Environmental Bill of Rights Registry posting of the draft Forest Management Guide for Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Forest Landscapes (EBR #010-5226).

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CO Comments on Working collaboratively to address the threat of invasive plants in the province of Ontario

CO comments in support of the development of an Ontario Invasive Species Action Plan.

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CO Comments on the Amendment to Ontario Regulation 242/08 under the ESA respecting Bobolink

CO comments on the amendments to the Ontario Regulation 242/08 (General) under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA) respecting Bobolink and establishment of an advisory group to support the development of a long term approach to Bobolink recovery (EBR Registry Number 011-2901). - Endangered Species Act - Species at Risk - Stewardship

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CO Comments on Proposed Guidance to Support Implementation of the Endangered Species Act

CO comments regarding the Ministry of Natural Resources? (MNR) “Guidance to Support the Application of Subsection 10(1) (the habitat provision) of Ontario's Endangered Species Act, 2007”, and “Endangered Species Act (ESA) Submissions Standards for Activity Review and 17(2)(c) Overall Benefit Permits”.

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CO Comments on Ontario's Ontario Invasive Species Strategic Plan (OISSP)

CO comments regarding the Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR) “Ontario Invasive Species Strategic Plan (OISSP)”, which was posted for public comment on the Environmental Registry (EBR #011-2884).

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CO Comments on Amendments to the General Regulation (Ontario Regulation 242/08) under the Endangered Species Act

CO comments regarding the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) Amendments to the General Regulation (Ontario Regulation 242/08) under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 to prescribe the habitat for three species at risk.CO comments focus on the proposed habitat protection for Redside Dace. - Endangered Species Act - Species at Risk

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CO Comments on the Draft Guide to Provincial Approvals for Natural Resource Management Projects Involving Terrestrial Vegetation Control and a Class 9 Pesticide

CO comments on the draft Guide to Provincial Approvals for Natural Resource Management Projects Involving Terrestrial Vegetation Control and a Class 9 Pesticide (2011).

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CO Comments on Natural Heritage Assessment Guide: for natural heritage assessment sections of Ontario Regulation 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approval)

CO's comments on the proposed Natural Heritage Assessment Guide: For natural heritage assessment sections of Ontario Regulation 359/09 (Renewable Energy Approval) issued under the Environmental Protection Act (EBR #011-1845) - Green Energy - Renewable Energy

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CO Comments on MNR's Draft Plan to Conserve Biodiversity

CO’s comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)'s “Biodiversity: It’s in Our Nature, Ontario Government Plan to Conserve Biodiversity” (EBR# 011?6450). - Biodiversity Strategy

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CO Comments on the Interim Protocol for Review of Project Proposals that may Affect Aquatic Species at Risk in Ontario

CO Comments on the “Interim Protocol for the Review of Project Proposals that may affect Aquatic Species at Risk in Ontario 2011” (EBR # 011-5661).The development of a harmonized approach to the review and approval of proposed development projects under the Fisheries Act, Species at Risk Act (SARA) and the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA 2007) is supported. - Endangered Species Act - Species at Risk Act - Fisheries Act

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CO Comments on “Significant Wildlife Habitat Eco-regional Criteria Schedules”

CO Comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR)“Significant Wildlife Habitat Eco-regional Criteria Schedules” (EBR # 011-5740).CO commends the MNR’s effort to work closely with some Conservation Authorities (CAs) to receive input on the local definition of significant wildlife habitat (SWH) within their watersheds and encourages MNR staff to continue to engage CAs.

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CO Comments on Proposed Approaches to Modernize the Implementation of the Endangered Species Act

CO Comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR) “Proposed approaches to the implementation of the Endangered Species Act”. Overall, CO is supportive, of the Ministry’s initiative to modernize the Endangered Species Act (ESA) approvals process, however, the posting lacks some of the information needed to fully assess the proposal. - Endangered Species Act - Species at Risk

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the Invasive Species Discussion Paper (EBR # 011-9780)

CO letter to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) providing comments on the Invasive Species Discussion paper. CO was supportive of this initiative to improve Ontario’s response to invasive species. CO encouraged the MNR to o move forward with its proposal to take on a strong leadership role in leveraging existing expertise and coordinating and supporting the efforts of partners such as Conservation Authorities in order to effectively manage invasive species.

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Species At Risk

A Species at Risk package has been developed for each Conservation Authority watershed and includes a Distribution Map Reference Guide document, map legend, key map for the area of interest and a table which lists Species at Risk found within the Conservation Authority boundaries. Some Conservation Authorities have multiple maps depending on data and watershed size. Instructions around SAR permitting and contact information are contained in the Distribution Map Reference Guide.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “A Wetland Conservation Strategy for Ontario 2016-2030” (EBR# 012-7675)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MNRF on “A Wetland Conservation Strategy for Ontario 2016-2030” (EBR# 012-7675). Conservation Ontario’s letter of comment identified three priority areas for improvement in the Strategy: 1) have one clear target to meet the mandate of “no net loss” of wetlands, 2) recognize Conservation Authorities as important partners in the implementation of this Strategy; including the regulatory role, and 3) be more specific about the purpose and goals of this Strategy. In particular, under 2), it was recommended that the “legislative/policy/guideline support and clarification for the Conservation Authorities Act (CAA)” be identified as a priority action in the Wetland Strategy.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on “Regulation of invasive species under the Ontario Invasive Species Act, 2015” (EBR# 012-8310)

Conservation Ontario’s submission to MNRF on “Regulation of invasive species under the Ontario Invasive Species Act, 2015” (EBR# 012-8310). On September 8, 2016, MNRF posted a regulation proposal to classify the 16 species identified on the Conference of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers “Least Wanted Aquatic Invasive Species List” and all species in the Channidae family as prohibited, and classify Phragmites, Dog Strangling Vine and Japanese Knotweed as restricted species under the Invasive Species Act, 2015. Conservation Ontario’s comments focused on classifying more species as restricted or prohibited under the Invasive Species Act, 2015, not issuing orders by an inspector to force the control, removal or eradication of Phragmites until there is a safe and effective mechanism that does not threaten surface and groundwater, and providing funding support or compensation as incentives for private and public landowners to control and/or remove invasive species on their property. On November 4, 2016, MNRF made a decision to proceed with the regulation proposal as described, subject to some changes as a result of public consultation.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on: Control of Invasive Species: Phragmites australis in Ontario

Conservation Ontario’s comments submitted January 21st 2016 to Premier Wynne on the Control of Invasive Species: Phragmites australis in Ontario.

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Conservation Ontario’s submission on “Wetland Conservation in Ontario: A Discussion Paper” (EBR 012-4464)

Conservation Ontario's submission to MNRF on "Wetland Conservation in Ontario: A Discussion Paper" (EBR 012-4464). On July 27, 2015, the Province, under the lead of MNRF, initiated the wetland framework review by releasing a Discussion Paper entitled "Wetland Conservation in Ontario". As stated on the Environmental Registry, the purpose of this discussion paper was to "provide information in order to stimulate ideas and seek input on challenges, opportunities, ideas and actions related to wetland conservation in Ontario" and to ultimately assist MNRF in developing a wetland strategy.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Development of the government response statement for Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark under the Endangered Species Act, 2007” (EBR #012-1597)

CO’s Comments on the “Development of the government response statement for Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark under the Endangered Species Act, 2007” (EBR #012-1597). CO supports the proposed amendment which would continue the exemption for agricultural operations in relation to Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark for an interim period of 14 month and the nine principles proposed in Round Table Recommendation #3.3.

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Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Amendment of Ontario Regulation 197/11 made under the Endangered Species Act, 2007” with regard to agricultural operations and Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark” (EBR# 012-1596)

CO’s Comments on the “Amendment of Ontario Regulation 187/11 made under the Endangered Species Act, 2007” with regard to agricultural operations and Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark (EBR# 012-1596). CO supports the proposed amendment which would continue the exemption for agricultural operations in relation to Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark for an interim period of 14 months.

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CO Comments Regarding the Expansion of the 50 Million Trees Program

CO comments and suggestions for the expansion of the 50 Million Trees Program. - Stewardship

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Conservation Ontario Submission to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development Regarding the Continued Study on the National Conservation Plan for Canada

As leaders in environmental protection in Ontario, Conservation Authorities (CAs) support the creation of a National Conservation Plan.CO's comments draw on CA experiences to highlight a number of issues with the way conservation is currently practiced in Ontario that could benefit from an overarching conservation plan.

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CO Comments on the Updated (second edition) Natural Heritage Reference Manual:Natural Heritage Protection through the Provincial Policy Statement

CO comments on the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Updated Natural Heritage Reference Manual, which was posted for public comment on the Environmental Registry (EBR #010-5853).

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