
Conservation Ontario Comments: Proposed changes to land division provisions (Planning Act)

Conservation Ontario's comments submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) on the “Proposed changes to certain land division provisions in the Planning Act” (ERO #019-3495).

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CO Comments on Proposed Accessible Information and Communications Standard

CO comments on Accessible Information and Communications Standard proposed by the Accessible Information and Communications Standards Development Committee. - Disability - Accessibility - ACCESSIBILITY FOR ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (AODA)

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CO Comments on Employment Accessibility Standard

CO comments on the Initial Employment Accessibility Standard proposed by the Employment Accessibility Standards Development Committee. - Disability - Accessibility - ACCESSIBILITY FOR ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (AODA)

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CO Comments on Integrated Accessibility Regulation

CO comments on opportunity proposed Integrated Accessibility Regulation under the Accessibility for Ontarians for Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). - Disability - Accessibility - ACCESSIBILITY FOR ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (AODA)

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CO Comments on Change to Customer Service Regulation

CO comments on proposed changes to Ontario Regulation 429/07, Customer Service. - Disability - Accessibility - ACCESSIBILITY FOR ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (AODA)

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CO Comments on Building Code Amendments 2013

CO comments on the “Proposed Amendment to the Barrier-Free Design Requirements set out in the Building Code Regulation (O. Reg. 332/12) under the Building Code Act, 1992”. Overall CO supports the aim of the Province to make Ontario fully accessible but some concern was expressed in relation to the potential costs associated with the barrier-free design requirements. - Disability - Accessibility - ACCESSIBILITY FOR ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (AODA)

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