Source Water Protection - Resources

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Tool - Background and Training Materials

The new climate change vulnerability assessment tool provides a practical and consistent approach to assess local climate change impacts, to determine vulnerability of drinking water systems to climate change, and to highlight areas where actions may be needed to further protect source water quality across Ontario. The semi-quantitative tool uses widely established vulnerability assessment methods to assess climate change exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity and vulnerability of a drinking water system’s source water quality, based on information at both a watershed or sub-watershed scale and also at the drinking water system scale.

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Fuel - Safety Advisory Issued by TSSA's Fuel Safety Program

Recently, TSSA’s Fuel Safety program issued a safety advisory to all fuel oil distributors (and the affiliate industry associations) to remind them of their legal obligations as per the TSS Act and the Fuel Oil Regulation (O. Reg. 213/01). It is available for download here and can also be found on the TSSA website: According to the TSSA, the impetus behind this safety advisory stems from the most recent report by the Auditor General that flagged how there were some evidence of fuel oil distributors supplying fuel oil to tanks that are in “unacceptable conditions.” This advisory serves to remind the distributors that they all have a duty to ensure that oil is only supplied to equipment that have been inspected and deemed safe.

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Infographic - Spill Kit

This resource is for use with businesses near a source of municipal drinking water.

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Municipal Planning Primer

A reference for municipal planning staff on Ontario's Drinking Water Source Protection Program.

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Municipal Councillor Primer

A reference for municipal councillors on Ontario's Drinking Water Source Protection Program.

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Real Estate infographic

A resource for real estate sales representatives.

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Real Estate Primer

A resource for real estate sales representatives.

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